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Biography of Hauwa Lawal

Full Biography of Hauwa Lawal - NELOC Media News
Hauwa Lawal is a Nigerian content creator, writer, brand and social media influencer who is popularly known for her witty and relatable storytelling that often reflects her unique background and perspective.

Full Biography of Hauwa Lawal - NELOC Media News

Hauwa was born on the 6th of June, 1994 in Mushin, Lagos.

Hauwa draws inspiration from her surroundings and the everyday dramas she observed growing up. This influenced her storytelling style, which she describes as a blend of humor and relatability​.

Hauwa won The Future Awards Africa (TFA Africa) 2023 Prize for Creativity and Innovation


Books by Hauwa

Hauwa has published the following books
  • Hauwa’s Mad House (A Comic Book)

Hauwa Lawal is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and X.

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