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Biography of Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola (Cute Abiola)

Full Biography of Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola (Cute Abiola) - NELOC Media News
Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola, who is popularly known as Cute Abiola, is a Nigerian comedian, actor, YouTuber and Internet influencer.

Full Biography of Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola (Cute Abiola) - NELOC Media News

Honourable Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola (Cute Abiola) is a Senior Special Adviser (SSA) to the Kwara State Governor on Creative Industries.

Cute Abiola is happily married to his heartthrob, Mrs Khudrah Mosunmola, who is an entrepreneur. Together, they are blessed with a son - Prince Abiola Amir Iyanuoluwa (Asiwaju) - who was born in 2023.

Movies by Cutr Abiola

Cute Abiola has produced the following movies:
  • Shattered Innocence (Debut movie - 1st December, 2023)

Cute Abiola is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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