The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a program set up by the government to involve graduates in nation-building and the development of the country. With this, graduates of universities and later Polytechnics have been required to take part in the National Youth Service Corps program for one year.
The core value of NYSC is service and humility. There's strength in humility. Power in tolerating the views, way of life, and behavior of different tribes. Power in adapting to the tradition, meals, language, and environment of one other tribe, state, or individuals different from yours. There's power in influencing younger minds to step into their light and maximize their potential. Sure! We're called to service, to dwell for the sunshine of others, to lay down our lives for them. Not necessarily by going to the cross, but by experiencing personal sacrifices. Connections are made, and love is shared. That's the fact.
The scheme is an avenue for the reconciliation, reconstruction, and rebuilding of the nation after the end of the Civil War. The purpose of the scheme is primarily to inculcate in Nigeria Youths the spirit of Selfless Service to the nation and to emphasize the spirit of Oneness and brotherhood of all Nigerians, irrespective of cultural background.
To achieve this Objective, Corps Members are deployed to States other than their State of Origin where they are expected to mix with people from other ethnic groups, and social and family backgrounds, to learn the Culture of the people in the State of deployment. The Scheme is for one year. This is known as National Service Year. The incumbent Director-General is Brigadier General Muhammed Fada.
i. Mobilization of NYSC
Guidelines for Mobilization of Graduates into National Service
As part of efforts aimed at ensuring that only eligible graduates who pass through duly accredited full-time courses are mobilized for participation in the National Youth Service Corps, the NYSC Management is collaborating with relevant regulatory bodies of the respective Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) – the National Universities Commission (NUC) for Universities and degree awarding institutions and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) for Mono/Polytechnics as well as the entry admission examination body – Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Accordingly, the data of all prospective corps members as submitted for mobilization by their respective institutions, are subjected to screening for conformity with the requirements of these regulatory/examination bodies. In this regard, all prospective corps members whose admissions are not known to JAMB will be deemed to be improperly admitted. The admission status of such students will require the affected CPIs to regularise the same with JAMB.
Similarly, all Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) have been advised to abide by the extant admission quota approved by the NUC and NBTE respectively in making submissions for mobilization. Any submission over quotas approved will not be accepted. Graduates of courses not duly accredited by these regulatory bodies will not be mobilized for service.
It should be stated, for emphasis, that the regularization of admissions with JAMB is the duty of the Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs), just as the confirmation of the approved admission quota for each course and the determination of their accreditation status is the prerogative of the regulatory bodies – NUC and NBTE
It is imperative to state that the NYSC will not act as a liaison office between the Corps Producing Institutions (CPIs) and these regulatory/examination bodies. This much had earlier been brought to the notice of CPIs at the last Pre-Mobilization Workshop held in Ilorin, Kwara State on Thursday 16th January 2013. Corps Producing Institutions that are unable to conclude the regularization exercise during the 2013 Batch 'A' service year could still be considered in subsequent Batches when the outstanding issues would have been resolved by the institution.
It has become expedient to bring this information to the attention of the general public for necessary guidance.
ii. Registration for NYSC
Here are the basic documents and requirements for registration on the NYSC portal:
Your Active Phone Number
Biometric Verification
Valid Email Account (Gmail preferably)
JAMB Registration Number
Matriculation Number
First Name
Middle Name
How To Register for NYSC 2022/2023 Online
Go to NYSC Registration Portal Via;
Create an account.
Log in to your dashboard and fill out the NYSC bio-data form.
Make sure you upload all documents required.
Thumbprint for biometrics confirmation/verification.
Submit your NYSC application.
Print out your NYSC Registration slip afterward.
Finally, Wait for NYSC Call-Up Letter
iii. Call-up letter
Update On NYSC Call-Up Letter
Any person who fails to report for service in the service corps as directed in the Call-up Letter and/or refuses to make himself available for service in the service corps shall be prosecuted in line with the provisions of Section 13 sub-section 19(a)and (b) of the NYSC Act, Cap. N84, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004
Also, any person who is not eligible to participate in the service corps or has been duly issued with a Certificate of National Service or Certificate of Exemption but so participates or attempts to so participate shall be prosecuted in line with Section 13 sub-section 2(a) and (b) of the NYSC Act, Cap, N84, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.
The Orientation Camp
The necessary arrangements for a successful registration and camp experience must have been put in place by the NYSC authorities before the arrival of the corps members. Different registration points are organized to take you through the various stages of registration and during which corps members are expected to corporate with the registration officials and to be patient with the process. The NYSC officials are there to guide and direct you on anything you may not understand and to train you. So, whenever you are confused about anything, feel free to ask them any question you may want to ask.
See items you'll need in NYSC Orientation Camp
Consider the camp a small town as all the facilities you will need are made available there. When you need to buy anything, you visit the mini-market. When things begin to get a little daisy with your health, there is a clinic available for you to visit. There is the provision of accommodation, bed/mattresses, food, water, and kitting for corps members. And, just in passing, those facilities are also at the disposal of the officials to use.
Things to note about Registration
During the registration process, the following documents will be requested from you by the registration officials:
i. Your call-up letter (please do not laminate this document)
ii. Your last institution's ID card
iii. Original certificates/statement of result
When the above-mentioned document has been screened, the following will be given to you:
i. State code number (just for you and not to be shared)
ii. A meal ticket (or meal card)
iii. A file in which you can put all your credentials
iv. Registration of your name in what is referred to as the "Book of Life"
The NYSC officials will supervise you in filling out the series of NYSC forms.
You must be careful to read every instruction in every form, booklet, or handout given to you before filling them. This is not a product privacy policy that you have no choice but to accept. Preferably, use capital letters in filling your forms for legibility purpose and make sure the information you provide on your forms are correct so they don't contradict each other. All addresses provided must contain the house number, name of street, town name, and possibly the post office number.
Also, try and display some level of maturity and self-component by waiting for your turn to get anything. What I'm saying in essence is queue up, please don't scramble for anything.
Concerning meal tickets
Immediately after you are cleared from the screening point, you'll be given your meal ticket. This ticket will allow feed during your stay at the orientation camp alone and not outside. Take good care of it as you may not eat from the camp if it gets missing and neither can you get it from someone else to eat as this card is not transferable and replaceable.
Concerning accommodation at the camp
Every corps member is given a mattress and a place after they have completed their registration, hence the need to arrive on time. No one is permitted to use two mattresses or move his/her mattress to another room nor use up to two-bed spaces. No one is also allowed to call in for room services because of the risks involved regarding your valuables. Everywhere should be kept as clean as possible, including the rooms and restrooms (toilet).
Concerning Orientation Broadcasting Services (OBS)
This is a service that disseminates information throughout the camp. This enhances the quick and easy flow of information and this service is managed by the public relations committee. Corps members that possess the skill in or love engineering and broadcasting are chosen to join the OBS committee.
Concerning Religious Activities at Orientation Camps
Religious activities on camp are conducted according to the guidelines contained in the constitution. Therefore, based on that, the NYSC acknowledges Sundays for Christian worship and Fridays for Muslims, and nothing more. This makes it obvious that no other program is paramount in the orientation camp than the camp activities.
Lectures/Language Studies
Camp lectures are meant to equip corps members with the adequate knowledge needed for the mission ahead, hence, it is mandatory. Giving your time for the several lectures is never a waste of time as the lectures are always enriched with the necessary information you need.
In addition to the lectures, language studies are organized to equip corps members with the basics of the language of the host state to enhance their communication with the residents of the state after their orientation camp courses.
Concerning Discipline/Security
Priority is placed on discipline, hence the existence of the military on camp. Therefore, every corps member is to conduct his/herself in the best possible manner and by this, we mean to stick to the rules. Any corps member who trespasses any rule and is caught will be disciplined as decided by the Orientation Camp Court. Nothing should be done without due permission from the appropriate authorities. Also, everyone is expected to be security-conscious and report any doubtful act or movement to the police or any official on camp.
Most importantly, corps members should try as much as possible to be kitted accordingly, for example, endeavor that kitting for the parade is to parade and that for another program is to such program.
Concerning Medical Services
All medical cases are being handled by the camp clinic which runs for 24 hours during the orientation exercise and all treatments are administered for free. The clinic is managed by professional medical practitioners.
Accounts Department/Corps Allowances
The accounting department takes care of coppers allowances. Allowances given on camp include:
i. Transport allowance (this is paid on arrival at the camp)
ii. Local transport is also known as bicycle allowance
iii. Monthly allowance: this is the last allowance given to corps members at the end of their orientation course.
Corps members continue to receive monthly receive their monthly allowance after the orientation camp, but this is granted to them after they have been duly cleared by their employer at the end of every month and issued a clearance. Any corps member who is not cleared will have to forfeit his allowance for that month
Kitting/Mode of Dressing of the NYSC Orientation Camp
The public relations officer issues every corps member on completion of their registration at arrival at camp with the NYSC identity card. This card is legal and not transferable. The NYSC Store Officer also gives the NYSC kit items to corps members. The kit items are to be worn only by registered corps members and these items are:
- 2 Plain White Vests
- 1 Youth Corps Unisex cap (Head Dress)
- 1 Khaki Jacket
- 1 Khaki Trouser
- 1 Youth Corps belt
- 1 Pair of Jungle Boots
- 3 White Shorts
- 1 Vest with NYSC emblem (Crested Vest)
- 1 Pair of White Canvas (Tennis) Shoe
- 2 Pairs of socks
Once the kit is given, all modes of dressing should be done accordingly for easy identification of corps members and outsiders for security purposes.
Camp Activities
Camp activities are carried out with discipline to time and rules and every corps member is expected to comply for a smooth and successful orientation camp experience. Some of the activities are:
i. Military parade/drills
ii. Man O War activities
iii. Lectures
iv. Social activities
v. Endurance trek
As earlier said, the orientation camp operates with a lot of rules which are:
i. Cultism is a taboo in camp. It is highly prohibited
ii. Drug addiction has no place at the camp
iii. Stealing is an abomination on camp. Do not attempt it.
iv. Rioting/demonstration and the likes are not part of paramilitary
v. Group meetings are not allowed on camp
vi. Rape is a serious crime against humanity
vii. Fighting in camp attracts severe penalty
viii. Taking a double ration of food makes one liable for the surcharge
ix. Flippancy and unguarded utterances attract severe punishment
x. Ensure that you participate in all camp activities
xi. Avoid rumor-mongering, always seek information at the appropriate quarters.
xii. Be prudent in spending. Remember you will settle down for your primary assignment.
xiii. Smoking/chewing of gum are not allowed on the parade
Always observe the lights-out instruction
Discipline is the watchword in NYSC
All activities on the camping program are designed for your good; so, comply.
Youths obey the clarion call
Let us lift our nation high
Under the sun or in the rain
With dedication and selflessness
Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve
Member take the great salute
Put the nation first in all
With service and humanity
NYSC for the noble youth
Make Nigeria a great nation
Far and near we come to serve
And to build our fatherland
With oneness and loyalty
NYSC for unity
Hail Nigeria our great nation.
Four (4) Main Segment of NYSC
National Youth Service Year is a year of reality that can be an instrument for discovering goals, self-discovery, and private development. In those dry and boring days at the remote Places of Primary Assignment, one may make the most of such quiet time to plan for the future, read books, and take a professional course towards career development, it might be a time of spiritual renewing.
The National Youth Service Corps Year comprises four (4) main segments in other words four (4) cardinal programs in which every corps member must satisfactorily participate before he/she is qualified to be issued a certificate of National Service.
The four Cardinal Programs of the National Youth Service Corps are as follows: Orientation Courses, Primary Place of Assignment, Community Development Service, and Winding Up and Passing Out Ceremony.
i. Orientation Course
The Orientation course is a Compulsory course for all Nigerian graduates mobilized for National Service. The course is a three weeks course at the beginning of the Service year. lt features parade drills lectures, physical training, etc.
The Orientation course is usually opening with a Swearing-in Ceremony presided over by the Executive Governor of the State of deployment. The Oath of Allegiance and the National Pledge is administered by the Chief Judge of the State.
During the orientation course, Corps Members are expected to participate in the social activities designed to create opportunities for them to interact during the orientation course. They participate in Dance and Drama Competitions, Miss NYSC and Mr. Macho, lnter-platoon drill competition, Football Match, Volleyball, Table tennis, Cooking, and Sanitation Competitions, Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED), etc. Corps Members also undergo Man 'O' War Citizenship and Leadership training.
2. Place of Primary Assignment (PPA):
After the passing out ceremony at the end of the three weeks orientation course, Corps members are posted to the Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) They are expected to work as full-time staff at the place of primary Assignment with exception of one working day set aside for the Execution of Community Development Service (CDS).
During the posting of Corps members, NYSC Management takes into consideration the areas of specialization of Corps members in carrying out posting exercises, emphasis is placed on rural areas. Corps members are posted to the following sectors: Agriculture, Education, Health, and Infrastructure.
3. Community Development Service (CDS): The Community Development Service is aimed at harnessing the skills, creativity, and innovativeness of Corps members. Corps members are expected to identify the various needs of their host communities and mobilize members of their host communities to embark on the projects to address the needs of the Community.
Through the Community Development Service, many Corps members were able to construct Bridges, Health Care Centers, Classroom Blocks, etc. They also embark on projects like HIV Sensitization, Extra-Mural Classes for Students, Road Safety Campaigns, etc.
4. Winding Up and Passing Out Ceremony: At the end of the Service year, Corps members are expected to gather in their respective zone for evaluation of the Service year.
This is the period when Corps members present their final clearance letters from their employers to their Zonal and Local Government Inspectors (LGI). Final parade rehearsals are conducted in the readiness for the passing out Ceremony which is usually presided over by the Executive Governor of the State of deployment.
During the Ceremony, Corps members with outstanding performance during their Service years are given State Honours Award. For a Corps member to Merit an Award, he/ she must be performed meritoriously in the Orientation Course, Place of Primary Assignment, Community Development Service, and the Winding Up Exercise.
Why Serve in Ebonyi?
Different Corp Members who serve in Ebonyi State have different reasons to serve in Ebonyi State. These opinions are based on different perspectives of Corp Members in Ebonyi State.
Some corps members in Ebonyi State decided to serve in Ebonyi State because of the Lord's leading; God has brought them to Ebonyi State for a purpose.
For some Corp Members, this is an opportunity for individuals who reside in the Western and Northern parts of Nigeria to visit the Eastern Part of Nigeria as they know their culture, economy, and food.
Another perspective is having a good mindset of being in Ebonyi State; as one sees the good of the land, open your heart and mind to opportunities in the state and fortunately, one can be established in the state. Here, you don't limit opportunities to only a few states; Lagos, and Abuja. Don't be biased and dominate the state you're posted to.
Another perspective is using this opportunity to do your great commission; called by God to evangelize Jesus Christ in your PPA. See the state as land for you to conquer as a Child of God. Some Corp Members decided to stay in Ebonyi State for business purposes. In other words, Ebonyi is seen as one of the newly added states in the country, Nigeria in which its economy is at its peak of increase, and the cost of living isn't expensive, unlike other developed states. With this, goods are sold a bit cheap and fast as there's a low level of competition