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Biography of Chef Hilda Effiong Bacci

Full Biography of Chef Hilda Effiong Bacci
Full Biography of Chef Hilda Effiong Bacci

Hilda Effiong Bassey, popularly known as Hilda Baci, is a Nigerian chef and YouTube content creator, host, TV producer, and foodprenuer. She hails from Akwa Ibom State, South Eastern Nigeria. Hilda started her career as a chef in 2020, and today she has built a name for herself and a brand. She has a degree in Sociology from Madonna University, Okija, and is currently the chef head and CEO of @Myfoodbyhilda, with several locations and branches all over Nigeria.

Hilda Baci was born on September 20, 1996, in Akwa Ibom State. She is a multi-talented Nigerian chef, host, TV producer, and entrepreneur who started her journey from grass to grace.

In 2023, Hilda Effiong Baci broke a World Guinness Record for the longest cooking time through a four-day ‘cook-a-thon’ at Amore Gardens, Lekki, Lagos State. At the “cool-a-thon”, she prepared multiple dishes for an expected period of time to get recognition from the Guinness World Records. Winning the record, she beat the existing record for the world’s longest cooking marathon which at the time was held by Lata Tondon, who completed the task in 87 hours, 45 minutes, and 00 secs in Rewa, India, in 2019.

Hilda Baci is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and X or follow her official YouTube Vlog/Channel here.

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