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How to Print Your NYSC Call Up Letter in 2025

How to Print Your NYSC Call Up Letter in 2023
The Call up Letter for Prospective Corp members is a document that shows that you were mobilized for the NYSC programme and duly deployed to a state in the federation. This Call up Letter usually shows on your NYSC dashboard in about two to three days before your actual resumption date at any of the NYSC Orientation Camps.

Usually, as soon as NYSC uploads the call up letter on the portal, the NYSC site will begin to irritatedly process data at a very very slow rate. To login to your dashboard will take a longer time, some won't be able to login to see their deployed state. This is because of the number of people logging in at the same time, thereby causing traffic on the NYSC portal. 

So my advice is, you have to be patient by then, you can wait for 3 hours after  call up letter is released to check. 

Checking quick does not change anything, some check after a day.  So am giving you this tip in advance, don't start bringing pressure on yourself for not been able to check.  

The NYSC call-up letter is a piece of documents that will contain every information about the state you will serve and the address of the orientation camp.

After the NYSC registration, the next breaking news will be the printing of NYSC call-up letter and a smart prospective Corps members will ask about printing NYSC call-up letter.

Since you are here to learn how to print your letter, let me just show you the steps below.

What do You Need to Print Your NYSC Call up letter?

If you want to print your NYSC call-up letter you will need the following things:
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Password
Those are the two things you need. Now let me show you the steps to print your NYSC call up letter.

How to Print NYSC Call-Up Letter

To print your NYSC call-up letter is very easy and you are going to do it from your NYSC dashboard. Below are the steps to print your NYSC Call-up letter.

  • Visit the to NYSC portal by clicking here or copying this link to your dashboard.
  • Login with your NYSC registered email and password.
  • When your dashboard opens, scroll and Click on the 'Print Call Up Letter' link to access and print your call-up letter. This link will be found at the bottom of your dashboard under Print Slip where you got ur green card.
  • Once it opens, click open and download it in PDF. It will open once the download is complete. Then, you can open the document and see your deployment state. After this, you can then proceed to print out in coloured at the cafe. 


While you’re going through all these processes, please note that you can best access the portal with a Chrome Browser or Firefox Browser

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