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Biography of Elijah Oluwagbemiga Adeboye

Full Biography of Elijah Oluwagbemiga Adeboye
Elijah Oluwagbemiga Adeboye who was popularly called Gbenga Adeboye, was born on the 30th of September 1959 at Odeomu, Osun State of Southwestern Nigeria.

At birth, he was known as Elijah Oluwagbemiga Adeboye, but as at the time of his death, it became difficult to keep track of his names.

The names were as a result of his exploits in humour and music.
Some of the names are Funwontan, Alhaji Pastor Oluwo, Abefe, Jengbetiele, Itu baba Ita, Alaye mi Gbengulo and Apogunpote of Yoruba Land.

Elijah Oluwagbemiga Adeboye was a versatile entertainer, a singer, an orator, a comedian a broadcaster and a songwriter.

Some of his songs did not go the usual 'words and melody' way, as he carved his own style of singing. And some of his songs are ijinle oro latori ite mimo, oro sunnukun, pàșán oro, Funwontan, London yabis, Oduology Itu baba Ita and many more which he used.
Elijah Oluwagbemiga Adeboye lived and died on the (date of death)

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