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Tragedy In Lagos As Train Crushes BRT Bus in ikeja

Tragedy In Lagos As Train Crushes BRT Bus in ikeja
Scene of Train crashes in Ikeja

A passenger train has crushed a Lagos state government BRT staff bus at PWD junction in Ikeja area of the state, on Thursday.

According to the report gathered by Daily News Report, the train was coming from Agege and met a BRT vehicle with the Lagos state government workers on board crossing the rail to link Ikeja GRA. 

It was uncertain the number of casualties but the BRT bus was smeared with the fresh blood of victims, as at the time of filing this report.

The accident has caused a gridlock on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway for motorists coming from Oshodi around Shogunle to Ikeja-Along.

Here are more images from the Lagos train crash in Ikeja:

Here are more images from the Lagos train crash in Ikeja
Lagos Train Crash

Here are more images from the Lagos train crash in Ikeja
Brt plate number

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