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How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP 2025

How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP 2025 - NELOC Media News
This article is a complete step by step instructions on how Students can login to Jamb Caps and check their admission status on the Jamb's admission portal.

This Article answers all your questions on how to check your admission through the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board's Central Admission Processing System, known as JAMB CAPS. To aide Students' learning, each step is added with a diagram illustration and a video manual.

Jamb Portal | What is Jamb CAPS?
  • JAMB CAPS is an abbreviation for the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB’s) Central Admission Processing System (CAPs).
  • It a a specially designed electronic portal that helps students monitor their University and Tertiary Institution admission processes.
When can I check my Admission on Jamb Caps?
  • You can only begin to check your admission on Jamb Caps after you have written UTME exam and done with your School's Admission screening.
After the completion of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME), which is hosted by JAMB every year, the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) is activated to enable candidates monitor their admission statuses. Upon accessing the portal, candidates can easily know when they have been offered admission. 

On the other hand, it is not enough to know that a portal like the JAMB CAPs exist - it is much more important to know how to access the CAPS portal and successfully check your admission status. As such, this article answers the major question in your hearts - How do I check my JAMB CAPS? 

How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAPS Portal 2023

Admission has begin for 2023 session and the only authentic way to check your admission is through JAMB CAPS via their EFaciliy Students' login.

According to  JAMB's latest admission policy for 2023 admissions,  it mandated all schools to first recommend students for Admission to Jamb Board for admission and states that all Students must accept their admission on the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) - for valid authentication of such Admission.

Depending on your school, as a Student, you need to accept your admission on CAPS before you see your name on the admission list by your school of choice when released.

For example, the Ekiti State University releases her admission first on Jamb Caps portal before releasing admission list on the University portal after uploading it on .

There are two methods to check your admission status in Nigeria; and both required you to have a valid Jamb Registration number, valid email and Phone number. 

The two methods are;
  1. JAMB Central Processing System (CAPS)
  2. JAMB Admission Letter Printing
We shall be explaining both methods below.

On why Caps is important, many undergraduate students have the problem of their admission not being processed by the CAPS. It could be due to the failure to upload O’level from the student or an error by the school.

Whatever challenge you have with the CAPS, you must ensure that you resolve the problem with your school admission office so that it won't stop you during NYSC mobilisation.

Here are step-by-step guide on how to check your admission status using a registration number or SMS.

Requirements to Check JAMB Admission:

Here are the four requirements to check your admission status on the JAMB CAPS;
  1. JAMB registration number
  2. Valid Email address
  3. Mobile internet connection
  4. Smartphone or Personal Computer (PC)
Here are the procedures on how to check your JAMB admission status on CAPS;

Here are the seven major steps to check your admission on Jamb CAPS:

  1. Visit the JAMB CAPS Portal
  2. Login to the Portal with your valid email and password
  3. Click on “Check Admission Status" icon
  4. Click on "Access  my CAPS" 
  5. Click on “Check Admission Status”
  6. Accept or Reject Admission
  7. Print your Admission Letter
Here are the detailed explanation to all the seven steps on how to check Admission on Jamb Caps:

These are Seven basic steps to check your admission on Jamb Caps as listed below:

Step 1. Visit the JAMB CAPS Portal - efacility.jamb.gov.ng/; Some Schools have already started uploading their Admission lists to the JAMB Portal. Candidates are therefore advised to closely monitor their admission status on JAMB CAPS so as to do the needful as soon as possible. At the same time, some other schools may not publish the list of admitted candidates on their own portal or notice board. If this is the case for you, the only way to know when you have been offered provisional admission is to check your admission status on JAMB CAPS. You simply need to click here to visit the portal or copy this link here and paste it in your browser - efacility.jamb.gov.ng/, as shown on the diagram below.

Complete Guide: How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP
Photo: Front page of JAMB CAPS Login | Image credit: Jamb Portal

Step 2. Login to the Portal: As soon as the page loads on your browser, enter your registered email address and password to access your dashboard on the site. You will be lodged in and have access to your Jamb details.

How to reset my Jamb Caps Password:

If you forget your password, click on forget your password below the login page and follow the prompt [See diagram in step 1], a new password will be sent to your registered email.

Step 3. Click on “Check Admission Status”: It's beneath the features displayed on your screen [as shown in the diagram below] after you lodged in. you will find a menu bar, scroll through and click on the “Check Admission Status” button. The page will load and bring out the following two features:
  • Check admission status
  • Access CAPS
Complete Guide: How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP
Photo: Jamb Caps dashboard features | Image credit: Jamb Portal

Step 4. Click on ‘Access my CAPS’: Now, you need to access your actual CAPS dashboard. The E-facility portal opens a new page from here when you click on “Access my CAPS”. It leads you to a new page where you can check your admission status and access your information on the Jamb as regard the progress of your Admission, as shown on the diagram below.

Complete Guide: How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP
Photo: Jamb Caps Admission interface | Image credit: Jamb Portal

Step 5. Click on “Admission Status”: When you click on Admission Status, the portal loads to reflect your status. If you have been admitted, you will get a response with your Photo Image being displayed and a text Congratulating you on your admission offer. But if you are not offered any admission yet, you will get a text response with: "Sorry, No Admission has been Given Yet". Also, if your admission is in progress, the portal will come with message of "AIP", meaning that your School has considered you admission but it's still loading. When you see "AIP", keep checking the site because you will be given admission in few days as shown on the diagram below.

Complete Guide: How to Check Admission Status on JAMB CAP
Photo: Jamb Caps profile of a Student offered admission by Jamb | Image credit: Jamb Portal

Step 6. Accept or Reject Admission : Once a candidate has been offered admission on the Jamb Caps, such Candidate is required to do either of these two functions:
  • to accept the admission or
  • to reject the admission.
If you have been duly offered admission, Congratulations! Now, you can proceed to either ACCEPT OR REJECT ADMISSION. At this point, please note that successfully admitted candidates are advised to ensure that they indicate the acceptance or rejection of admission online and timely to enable the processing of their admission by their respective School.

Candidates should also note that they are to be careful when on Jamb CAPS, so as not to mistakenly reject their admissions when they ought to accept.

Step 7. Print your Admission Letter: This is the last step on the Jamb CAPS. Your admission letter is the evidence of your admission and It is important to note that candidates who have been offered admission are to print their admission letter after accepting the admission, as they will likely need this during clearance and registration in their respective school.

If you have duly followed these steps, by now you must have confirmed your admission status. If your admission process was successful, congratulations. You can now proceed to read our Complete Guide, a Full List of Requirements for your School Registration.

Also, to figure assist you in checking your Admission on Jamb Caps, watch the manual guide video below as designed by Daily News TV to help Students under the Jamb Portal.

As a student seeking admission in any School: AAUA, FUTA, OAU and other Schools in Nigeria, it's important that you get your admission via Jamb Caps first, as that will authentic your admission

Now that we are done with online method, let us switch to another recommended method, it can be access by anyone with and anywhere because it doesn't require mobile internet. 

How to Check JAMB Admission Status Without Email Address: 

You can check your JAMB admission status without an email address using SMS on your phone. This process will cost you fifty naira (₦50).

Here are the five procedures to check admission status without email;
  1. Open the SMS app on your phone
  2. Type 55019 or 66019 as the SMS recipient
  3. Enter Status + Exam year as your message. Example STATUS 2025
  4. Click on the Send SMS button
  5. MYou will receive your admission status via SMS.
But, It is advisable to check your admission status online on the JAMB CAPS.

Below are the three terms used by Jamb to notify Students their Admission processes;
  1. Not Admitted
  2. Admission in Process
  3. Accept Admission
Below are the meanings of each term:

1: For "Not Admitted": It means that your school of choice is yet to consider you for admission. It could also mean that you are yet to upload your O’level result or there is error in your uploads, click on your "Check O'level result".

2; Admission in Progress: This means your School has recommended you for admission and sent it to JAMB for approval. Check the portal in two weeks time for the progress. Be informed that once you see "AIP", your School will surely give you admission.

3: Accept Admission : This means Jamb has finally concluded your admission Screening and has given you an admission. Hence, you are to click to either accept or reject the admission.

Aside checking admission on Jamb caps, some other things to do on the site include; Printing of Admission letter, Original Jamb Result, Change of Course/Institution, Correction of Name, among others.

Disclaimer: All contents on this Page are legit information from Jamb Admission Portal , CAPS, accessed via efacility.jamb.gov.ng/, it's an educational website and subjected to regular changes. Hence, Daily News Report will keep this page update to be in tandem with Jamb Portal.

© Daily News Report'23

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