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Biography of Oba Solomoni Worldwide

Born on 5th May, Oba Adelana Solomon Adekunle Agboye is a content creator and social media personality who leads the Oba Solomoni Worldwide brand and as well, is the founder of Oba Solomon Music, a music record label in Nigeria. He is also the host of Otito Oro Olorun by King Solomon.

Oba Solomon Agbaye is happily married to his heartthrob, Olori Adelana Olabisi (Iya Abigail), who calls herself Ayaba Oba Solomon Agbaye. Together, they are blessed with a daughter, Adelana Adedamola Abigail.

Songs by Oba Solomoni

The following songs have been released by Oba Solomon Agbaye through his music record label:
  • Enu wa ti gbe Oju wa ti bo
  • Song title 2
  • Song title 3

Oba Solomon Agbaye is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X


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