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Biography of Abiri-Roland Tobi Folagade Banks

Full Biography of Abiri-Roland Tobi Folagade Banks
Abiri-Roland Tobi Folagade Banks who is popularly known as Folagbade Banks, is a content producer, brand influencer and skit maker.

Full Biography of Abiri-Roland Tobi Folagade Banks

Mama Deola is a Persona created by Folagade Banks.

"I wasn't ready to dress the part and give the character a face. I just wanted to do it in the little way I could, and people liked it" says Folagade Banks

Folagade Banks gained widespread recognition when he adopted the character of a self-righteous Yoruba mother, Mama Deola, in his skits.

In Nigeria's competitive field of content creators, Mama Deola stands out with her signature brown rope, head tie, quirky shoes, and unique accent. This comedic character blends humour with cultural insights, making Folagade's storytelling uniquely engaging and relatable.

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Folagbade Banks is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and X.

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