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Biography of Tope Awotona

Full Biography of Tope Awotona - NELOC Media News
Tope Awotona is a Nigerian Billionaire and founder of Calendly. organizes the world of commerce and scheduling. And that mission has made him very rich. In the continental America, he is one of the few billionaires of African origin. He is worth $1.4 billion. In technology, there are just two of them.

He was born in Lagos and he wanted to redeem a bad experience: "When Awotona was 12, he witnessed his father get shot and killed in a carjacking. He left Lagos, went to college in America, found a great job, but one day, he quit that job for Calendly: "pouring his life savings of $200,000 into it and later quitting his job selling software for EMC.

Calendly has a simplistic quality in its DNA.
Tope Awotona is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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