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Biography of Opeyemi Awoyemi

Full Biography of Opeyemi Awoyemi - NELOC Media News
Full Biography of Opeyemi Awoyemi

Born on 5th August, Opeyemi Awoyemi best describes himself as an entrepreneur and a builder of people and things. He is the Founder of Moneymie, Jobberman, a job website and Whogohost, a domain registration and hosting company. He is also the CIO at Jobberman, one of the companies he founded and is currently used by millions of Nigerians.
Growing up, Opeyemi Awoyemi attended the Federal Government College, Ilorin and thereafter proceeded to study Computer Science at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He further studied Strategy, Innovation and Growth at Wharton Executive Education
Opeyemi Awoyemi, a father and God-lover, also runs FastForward Fund, a venture studio committed to unlocking prosperity in Africa. In his spare time, he likes to help talented people who are trying to start their own thing get the encouragement they need.
Opeyemi Awoyemi is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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