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ANYC Endorsed ISAAC Balami For Peter Obi DG

ANYC Endorsed ISAAC Balami For Peter Obi DG


In a press conference today 26th December, 2022, Afenifere National Youth Council and 48 formidable Yoruba Youth Groups in a coalition in the South West has stated their official endorsment for Isaac Balami as a replacement for Dr Doyin Okupe as the DG of PCC.

His personality is convincing and he is a bridge between the young and old. He understands the terrain and speaks the language.

His credibility in the north is bankable as a block vote for the ObiDatti mandate. Well exposed and articulate 

He has the support and confidence of the youth and we are ready to work with him. We are convinced of his delivery based on what he has achieved and can deliver on.

We join our voice to assert that on his mandate we stand. Let's give him the job and get the job going.

This Endorsement Is Courtesy Of: Yoruba Youth Wing Coalition YYWC, led by Afenifere National Youth Council (the Apex sociocultural youth organization in Yoruba Land)

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