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My Government willRe-activate Gas Industrial Park Project – Tinubu

The Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Tinubu, says his government will further re-activate the multi-billion dollars Gas Revolution Industrial Park Project.Tinubu gave the assurance on Saturday at the APC rally held at the Warri Township Stadium, Delta.

Addressing the mammoth crowd, Tinubu said: “Our government will further re-activate the multi-billion dollars Gas Revolution Industrial Park Project.

“President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has made giant strides in revisiting this project and we will complete it.

“Gas will become a national priority. I envision fertiliser and petrochemical plants, aluminium smelters, methanol plants, all aimed at creating jobs for the unemployed, while producing goods that booster farming, construction and other industries.”

Tinubu, however, assured Nigerians, especially youths that all the promises made to ensure a better Nigeria would be fulfilled.

According to him, I will fullfil my promises to you. You are the future of this country. Your dreams will be realised for a stable and united Nigeria.

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