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I will Wipe Out Boko Haram, Revive Businesses - Atiku

Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Atiku Abubakar has promised to wipe out Boko Haram and help businessmen revive and expand their business in order jump start the economy if elected President come 2023. Atiku made the promise while addressing a crowd of party supporters at the PDP Presidential Campaign in Gombe, Gombe State, on Monday.

He also promised to assist in putting in place policies to jumpstart businesses and help businessmen expand their business in order to revive the economy which is currently in a terrible state.

Atiku who spoke mostly in Hausa said, “What I want to pledge here in Gombe is to ensure that we give businesses the support to set-up industries that will give youths both males and females jobs.

“Recall it was the PDP that built the Dakin-Kowa Dam to provide electricity to the North-east and give farmers the opportunity to farm, I will create wealth and jobs in Gombe State, if you give me the mandate.

“I promise you that if you elect me what we have started, I will ensure that the electricity that will be provided from Dakin-Kowa Dam will be sufficient to the entire North-east.

“ I will enhance farming so that our farmers will have the opportunity to farm both during raining and dry seasons.”

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