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Fake landlady of 17 years remanded in Suleja Custodial Centre

One Princess Helen Abang has been remanded in Suleja Custodial Centre by Hon. Justice K.N. Ogbonnaya of High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Zuba for faking ownership of 2 storey building of 6 units of three bed room flats each.The accused has claimed ownership of the controversial apartments situated at Plot 70, Yaounde Street, Wuse Zone 6 in the Federal Capital Territory which she has rented out without consent of the legal owner.

The owner, Mrs Elizabeth Ego Olejeme, a widow of 80 years got to know of the trespass in 2006 and had been battling to recover the properties without success until the trespasser was arrested on 7th November, 2022.

While she was eventually brought to the Court on 21st November, 2022, the prosecuting lawyer, Abdulrasheed Sidi who argued the criminal proceedings stated that the accused shunned Court summon for two times, until a bench warrant was issued.

He told the Court: “The accused rented other 5 flats of the 3-bedroom and used the proceeds to fight the widow from recovering the houses since 2006.

“She illegally trespassed on the property and has remained there till she was arrested on 7th November, 2022 and charged to Court.

“On 7th November when the case came up for hearing, she refused to show up , but was moving from office to office in order to frustrate the case.”

He said the accused was arrested on 7th November and had been in custody of Police until she was brought to Court on 22nd November, 2022.

On her arraignment, the accused pleaded not guilty to the 7-count charge which was read by the Hon. Justice Ogbonnaya.

The presiding Judge adjourned her bail application to 25th November, while the dates for substantive suit hearing have been slated for 13 to 15th December, 2022.

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