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Nigerian Police Return N303k Extorted By Operatives

The face of Nigerian Police is turning a new leaf as the operatives keep creating good images to further allow Nigerians to keep trusting in them.

This is coming as the Police returned the sum of N303,000, which was extorted from one Ejiro Ogene by three policemen in Abuja on Tuesday.

Nigerian Police Returns Money To A Citizen Dumped By Policemen

Force spokesperson, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, shared photos of the moment when the money was returned to the owner on Thursday and the names of the policemen, who extorted him. He added that the policemen have been arrested.

Adejobi said, “Insp Nuhu Shaibu, Sgt Guusu Collins, Sgt Aragon Felix. They are attached to the Anti-Violence Squad of the FCT Command, Abuja.They were arrested for obtaining 303,000k from Ogene in Abuja on Tuesday. 

"The money has been recovered from them and handed over to the complainant, one Ogene  Ejiro. We always urge you to report any misdeed to us. We will act as appropriate."

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