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How to Apply For INEC Ad-hoc Staff For 2027 Elections

How To Apply For INEC Ad-hoc Staff For 2023 Elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has rolled out modalities for the recruitment of Electoral Ad-hoc Staffs for the 2023 general elections.

The Apex electoral empire made this disclosure on its official National social media platforms, asking interested Nigerians to go through the processes and apply.

Daily News Report gathered all the important information needed for the Registration, as shown below:

INEC AD-HOC STAFF, Positions Available And Qualifications


This is to inform the general public that the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC has activated its Portal for 2023 Ad-hoc Staff recruitment for interested eligible applicants to apply.

Process Of Application For INEC Ad-hoc Staff

  • The Commission has approved the re-activation of INECPRES both the Mobile App for Android phones only and the web portal (laptops only).
  • To apply with your Android phone, u will download the App, while to apply via Web, you can only do that with Laptop via the INEC link.
  • To this end, the portal will be opened to eligible applicants for registration of all categories of ad-hoc staff (SPO/PO/APO/RATECHS/RAC Managers), except the Collation officers.
  • Link for registration on Web (Works for only Laptop- INEC Ad-hoc Staff Recruitment 
  • Applicants will be required to create profile with valid Email and strong password,
  • Applicants will upload recent passport photograph,
  • Bank details and BVN will be included and verified by INEC on the portal.
  • Applicants will be required to upload any of their qualified certificate while students/youth Corp will be required to upload recent I.D Number.
  • Applicants must use their valid email address because notification will be sent there. 

The portal is opened already, dated Wednesday the 14th of September and registration ends on the 14th December, 2022.


For the avoidance of doubt, all categories of election staff must satisfy the following four (4) conditions prescribed by the Electoral Act:

  • You must not be a political party member.
  • You must not have demonstrated or expressed support for any candidate or party.
  • All interested election staff must apply in person.
  • Applicants must reside in the STATE selected.

What should I have before registering?

Before you register on this portal, please ensure you have the following ready;

  • A functional email address.
  • A functioning mobile phone number.
  • A Personal Bank account number.
  • A recent, white background Passport Photograph not larger than 5MB.
  • Contact details of two referees such as email address and phone number.
  • A valid Staff ID No./StudentID No (as displayed on your ID Card)
  • An NYSC Callup Number for former corps members (not earlier than 2018).
  • NYSC Callup Number for current corps members, 2022.
  • A copy of highest qualification in .pdf format
  • A copy of means of identification in .jpg or .jpeg format


Outlined below are the various positions available and their requirements, Please ensure you read the instructions below before you begin your registration.


Must be a Public/Civil Servant on Grade Level 10-14 (Priority is given to qualified staff of NYSC/NOA/NIMC/NPC) OR Registration Area Officers/INEC staff not engaged in other duties (GL 10-14).


Must be a Head of School or a staff (GL 07 and above) of the school/ institution/ public building hosting the RAC.


Must be a Serving Corps member OR A penultimate (a year to final year) student of a Federal/State tertiary institution in Nigeria with a knowledge of IT OR A staff of an MDA with an OND qualification OR A former corps member (Not earlier than 2018 batch)


Applicants for this category must have an IT background. He/She must be a suitable INEC staff (not engaged in any other duties) OR Serving Corps Members in the Commission (where available)


How to Apply for INEC Ad-hoc Staff: 

If you are yet to create an account or register on the platform, then follow the steps outlined below:

1. Review the requirements for the available positions.

You are expected to go through the requirements for all available Election staff positions to determine your Eligibility

2. Click on "Register" and follow the instructions.

3. Create your Password

After creating your password, you are automatically logged into the portal and presented with an application form

4. Fill the Application form.

Please NOTE: This form is segmented into three (3) sections; (i) Personal Information, (ii) Contact Information and (iii) Bank Details.

Kindly enter your names as associated with your BVN.

Ensure you fill in your details correctly. You will not be allowed to edit details once the form is submitted.

5. Upload your passport photograph.

You are required to upload a recent plain background passport photograph of size not larger than 5MB

6. Fill in the details of your referees

7. Check the Attestation box: The information provided, will be validated from your institutions/organization/referees

8. Submit the application

9. Print your acknowledgement slip.

This is mandatory as you will need this for the final verification.

All submissions are FINAL. Kindly ensure you review your information thoroughly before you click the submit button.

NOTE: Deployment would be done based on your selected state of residence. If the link is not working, kindly go to the nearest INEC office in your local government to submit your application.

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