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Biography of Oluwatosin Ogunleye (Bro Bouche)

Biography of Oluwatosin Ogunleye (Bro Bouche)

Oluwatosin Ogunleye, better known by his stage name Bro Bouche, was born on May 18, 1980. He works as a comedian, actor, and content provider. He is a native of Ekiti State. In Ondo State, Bro Bouche attended Demonstration Secondary School. He is a devout Christian who has collaborated with numerous Nollywood actors and comedians, including Funke Akindele, Mc Lively, Chinedu Ikedieze, Tacoma, Officer Woos, and many more. 

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He created his own comedic sketch in 2020, possibly in Lagos. In order to depict the life of a typical Nigerian youth, the comedic skit concentrates on the hectic schedule of a busy barber. Additionally, he has made appearances in a number of television shows, including Cornerstone, The Johsons, Jenifa's Diary, and Industreet. He graduated from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife with a law degree. He attributes his acting career to famed Nigerian actress Funke Akindele. Following his appearance in the Mc Lively comedy series, Bro Bouche became well-known.

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Oluwatosin Ogunleye (Bro Bouche) is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Instagram, Facebook and X.

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