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Biography of Retiola Babafemi Stephen (Femi Babs)

Full Biography of Retiola Babafemi Stephen (Femi Babs) - NELOC Media News

Femi Babs (Retiola Babafemi Stephen) is a Nigerian writer, speaker, MC, Movie producer, actor, comedian and purpose driven content creator. He hails from, and was born in Delta State, Nigeria and today, he has grown to be well known for his funny videos where he acts as a Pastor on social media and his tongue-speaking phrase - "Zualakete! Celebrate grace"

Femi babs is an actor and movie producer, he has produced a few movies,

As a child, Femi babs and his sisters watched a lot of Nigerian movies, this according to him was what stirred up his passion for acting and filmmaking.

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 who was born and raised in Warri, Delta State, the oil rich Niger-Delta region of Nigeria.

His father, late Engineer S.B. Retiola worked with the Nigerian Gas Corporation (NGC), a subsidiary of Nigerian national petroleum Corporation (NNPC). His mother Mrs Anna Adesuwa Retiola is a senior officer of the Nigeria ports authority (sea ports).

Femi Babs grew up in a polygamous home, and spent a lot of time watching Nigerian movies with his sisters. This stirred his passion for acting and filmmaking. Growing up, he attended the NNPC staff school Ekpan for his primary school education and obtained his first school leaving certificate, before he moved to the College of Education Demonstration secondary school warri where he obtained his west African senior School certificate.

He then proceeded to the Covenant university to study Mechanical Engineering.

Femi Babs made his first short film in 2012 titled "The sacrifice". He has also starred in "Ajino boy", a comedy series on YouTube

Femi Babs is currently building a Christian FIlm Production Company

Femi Babs is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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