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Biography of Patience Ozokwor

Full Biography of Patience Ozokwor

Mama G as she's fondly called by her fans and well wishers is a 63years old Nigerian actress, fashionista and singer. She's a Nigerian from the Eastern part of Nigeria. The talented actress was born on the 14th of September in the year 1958 in her home town in Enugu State, Nigeria. She has other siblings as well , but they're not well known by members of the public.

 Mama G had her elementary education ( both primary and secondary education) at Lagos State.  Not long after her secondary education the Nigeria civil war started and her family had no option than to go back to their hometown at Enugu. Even though the country was going through a terrible phase as at the time, she didn't hestitate to further her education. She gained admission to Teachers Training College, formally called The Institute of Management and Technology in Enugu State. She did Fine and Applied Arts there.

 Mama G started her acting career when she was very little. She had always had passion for acting. While growing up she played major roles in drama  she acted. She also read novels which were gotten by her uncle.

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After college she worked for close to 4years before featuring on Television and Radio channels in Enugu. She later stopped being a media person and went into trading where she was doing well until she had contact with Chika Okpala who brought her back on track. She then joined NTA where she run a program for them. After several exposure she later joined the Nollywood Industry in 1991, this brought her to limelight.

Patience Ozokwor has worked  with top stars in the industry and she has appeared in over 200 Nollywood movies. Some of her popular movies includes:

1. Mama Ukwa

Her impact to every sector she has placed herself (especially Nollywood) can't be estimated. She has been honored with several Awards. In 2013, she was honored at the Africa Movie Academy Awards being the Best Supporting Actress. She has also been recognized by both the government and non governmental organization at various occasions.

Patience Ozokwor got married when she was just a teenager, this was orchastrated by her mom. Though her husband was well to do. She lost him at the time he was needed most. She has 3 children for her late husband. Since she became a widow she has refused to get married to another man. Aside her biological children , she has 5 adopted children.

Patience Ozokwor is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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