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Biography of Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori (KieKie)

Full Biography of Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori (KieKie) - NELOC Media News

Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori, popularly known as Kiekie was born in the city of Ibadan on 20th June, 1990. She is a Nigerian talented TV personality, brand influencer, model, content creator, fashion icon and entrepreneur based in Lagos, Nigeria.

Growing up, KieKie attended a private primary and secondary school in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria after which she proceeded to study Mass Communication at Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State. She further proceeded to bag a Master’s degree in Marketing from the London School of Business.

In her course of acquiring knowledge, KieKie proceeded to learn the craft of tailoring, couture, and patterns from the London College of Fashion.

In 2015, KieKie began her career with GoldMyne as a host and producer of a fashion TV show. She also worked with ONTV where she anchored “Style Street,” a show that analyses fashion trends and style.
KieKie won the hearts of the public when she started dropping regular videos on Instagram and YouTube with her distinct tone and style of talking about life issues.

Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori is happily married to her hearthrob, Mr. Ilori, and together, they are blessed with a beautiful daughter. They got married in February 2020 (just before the COVID-19 Lockdown). They were blessed with a beautiful baby girl in 2022 NOLA. E. ILORI.

KieKie amasses her wealth from content creation,skit/comedy making, entrepreneurship, fashion and brand endorsements. She is the entrepreneur behind Accost Collections, a fashion brand focusing on female apparel, including bridal wear.
Also establishing herself in the entertainment industry with her unique comic style, KieKie has appeared in some Nollywood movies. They include:
  • Flatline (2019)
  • Okoto Series (2021)
  • Mimi (2021)
In the course of her career, KieKie has also been recipient of various awards and nominations.

Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori (KieKie) is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter. You can also follow her comedy skits via her official YouTube channel here.

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