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Biography of Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James)

Full Biography of Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James)

Full Biography of Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James)

Full Biography of Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James)

Born in Lagos on the 4th of June, 1957, Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde popularly known as Pa James is a veteran Yoruba comic actor and film producer.

Pa James came into limelight since his feature in the family TV comedy series, Papa Ajasco which was produced and directed by Wale Adeuga of the Wale Adenuga Productions. He also featured in popular movie series including Super story.

As a movie legend, he was known for his elderly acts which he comically combines to give a professional and entertaining touch to his audience.

Pa James is happily married and the union is blessed with three adorable children.


Kayode Olasehinde well known as Pa James met his lovely wife, Iya Samuel in a movie location years ago.


Pa James Children

Pa James Ajirebi is blessed with three children. they are all males. Their names are Samuel, Tobi and Bolaji Olasehinde


1. Samuel Olasehinde

Samuel Olasehinde

Samuel Ajirebi s a Nollywood actor and lawyer who has been in Nollywood for a decade now.

He is in his mid-twenties and already featured in several Yoruba movies over the last decade leveraging on the influence of his father which he revealed himself.


Ajirebi Kayode Olasehinde (Pa James) is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Samuel Ajirebi

He attended Aunty Ajoke Nursery and Primary School (Later changed to Beryl), where he was before moving to GEC International Nursery and Primary School and then to GEC Comprehensive College.

After completing his secondary education, he proceeded to Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) and bagged a degree in law.

2. Tobi Olasehinde

Tobi Olasehinde

Tobi is the Second Child of Mr Kayode Olashinde popularly known as Pa.James. He went to GEC International Nursery and Primary School for his primary education and then proceeded to GEC Comprehensive College.

After completing his secondary education, Tobi proceeded to the University of Ilorin to study History and International Relations. Tobi Completed his NYSC Service Scheme in 2018.

3. Bolaji Anuoluwapo Olasehinde

Bolaji Olasehinde

Bolaji Anuoluwapo Olashinde is the last born of the house. Just like his elder brothers, he also attended GEC International Nursery and Primary School and then proceeded to GEC Comprehensive College.

Bolaji Ajirebi

He finished secondary school in 2018 and any information about his further studies is yet known.

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