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How Ajo Money is Digitizing Thrifts and Local Saving Communities

How Ajo Money is Digitizing Thrifts and Local Saving Communities

How Ajo Money is Digitizing Thrifts and Local Saving Communities

AjoMoney is building an operating system that will make it possible for people to do rotating savings and credit seamlessly: "AjoMoney, a financial technology company digitizing ROSCA (rotating savings and credit association) to build a neo-banking platform for consumers and neo-banking SaaS platform for cooperatives and thrift contribution agents has raised an undisclosed funding from Tekedia Capital."

So the centuries-old ROSCA (ajo/esusu/adashe) which helps you save money, make early investments and access credit to buy now pay later, simply at no interest, is gone digital.

Tekedia Capital welcomes Chineye Ochem ACA, CFE, MBA, Ibrahim Adepoju and the whole team to the Tekedia Capital family.

You call it ajo, esusu, etc; with AjoMoney, you have a formalized platform to contribute with your co-workers, friends, associates, making sure that everyone wins as the contribution rotates. Create an account here and invite your network https://ajo.money/

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