Maleria is an illness that is caused by plasmodium parasites. People get affected with maleria if they have been bitten by an infected female anopheles mosquito. This illness can't be spread through body contact or other physical means but, can be transmitted if you got bitten by an infected mosquito, and through other means of blood transfusion. If maleria is not properly treated, it can lead to death. Symptoms of maleria include; vomiting, sweating, shivering,fever, cough, headache etc.
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Africa can completely win the war against maleria by;
To completely win the war against maleria, there have to be enough vaccines for people to use in order to get them immunized against maleria.
There have to be enough distribution of insecticide treated bed nets especially to people to in the rural areas. This distribution will go a long way in eliminating the spread of maleria.
There have to be effective antimalerial medicines for patients to use when infected.
There should be improvement in the health system; availability of experienced doctors in various health centers, construction of well equuipped health centers in the rural area, provision of antimaleria drugs for free to the poor etc.
There should be seminars to educate and orient people on how to safe themselves against this illness whenever they are infected .
There should be enough investment in the provision of all listed above .
If all listed above can be effectively done, I believe the Africa will completely win the war against maleria in few years.