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Biography of Sola Sobowale

Full Biography of Sola Sobowale - NELOC News

Biography of Sola Sobowale

Born on the 26th of December, 1965, Sola Sobowale, popularly known as Toyin Tomato is a greatly talented Nigerian film actress, screenwriter, director and producer. 
Sola Sobowale was born to Joseph and Esther Olagookun in Ondo State, Southern Nigeria. Both her parents worked as teachers. Joseph was a retired Principal while her mother Esther Olagokun, a former headmistress.

The actress was raised in Ondo State. She had her Primary and Secondary School in the same region.

She later attended the University of Ibadan where she studied Music, forced by her love and passion for acting, she switched to study theatre arts and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Theatre Arts.

Sola Sobowale Career

Sola Sobowale Biography

Sola Sobowale appearance in the industry was through the help of her Brother-in-law Tunji Oyelana. He doubled as an actor, singer and lecturer at the University of Ibadan. Before her acting career, her parents wanted her to be a teacher like them. However, she disagreed. Tunji Oyelana convinced Sobola’s parents that acting is a noble profession. Later, the creative Sola Sobowale made a debut in her career as an actress. She joined the Awada Kerikeri Group. There, are movies where evidence that she has been working on her acting series. Her break came in 2001 during the Premiere of the popular Nigerian TV drama series Super Story: Oh father, Oh Daughter. Since she starred in many movies and has made marvellous performances.

Sola Sobowale Family

Besides acting, Sola Sobowale enjoys a good life as a wife and a mother. She is happily married to Oludotun Sobowale and the marriage is blessed with 5 children

Sola Sobowale Husband

Who is Sola Sobowale Husband? Sola is married to Oludotun Sobowale, who is the former corporate executive director of Eko Hospital.

The couple has 5 children, others claim that she has 4 children. Nevertheless, she has a set of twins. The twins were involved in the scriptwriting of the movie Nectar.

What are the names of Sobowale’s children?

Her first son, oyeyemi Olugboyega is an Engineer. Taiwo Sobowale is a twin and pursues a career in acting. Kehinde Sobowale is the second half of the twins. She is an accountant.Olamide Sobowale is one of Sola Sobowale’s daughter. She is a Makeup Artist, Youtuber, and Blogger.Sola Sobowale left the film and TV industry to be with her family. She and her family currently reside in the UK.

Sola Sobowale is considered one of the richest actresses in Nigeria. Her net worth is estimated at $450,000.
You can directly connect with Sola Sobowale through her verified Social media Pages on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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