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Biography of Osas Ighodaro

Biography of Osas Ighodaro

Full Biography of Osas Ighodaro

Born October 26, Osas Ighodaro is a popular Nigerian actress, host, producer and humanitarian. She is the founder of the Joyful Joy Foundation, an NGO that focuses on

In the 2022 8th Edition of the AMVCAs, Osas won the best dressed category


 Movies by Osas

Osas Ighodaro's networth is currently estimated at . She has built a thriving career as an actress and host having featured in over 30 movies. A list of movies she has featured include:


Osaz Ighodaro is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X. You can also connect with her via her official website here.

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