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Biography of Odunlade Adekola

Biography of Odunlade Adekola

The Yoruba movie industry, like many ethnic movie industries, has put to good use the emergence of social media and the internet at large. The industry, over the years, has produced many talented and dynamic performers, who are excelling in the field of acting within and outside of the industry; Odunlade Adekola is one of such amazing entertainers. Adekola is a household name within the Yoruba entertainment circle, having dominated the industry with his superlative acting skills over the years. Call him the meme king in Nigeria and Nigerians will agree with you! Like many prominent stars, the veteran Yoruba actor had a penchant for acting as a child. He started out by participating in drama sessions with his childhood friend Tunde, in his home church, the Christ Apostolic Church, Lafenwa, Abeokuta.
As time progressed, he was introduced to a theatre group by Tunde, who was a part-time actor at the time. It was during his first meeting with the team that the head of the group discovered he was a good actor and he was eventually welcomed into the family. Though Odunlade was also good at singing at the time, his passion for acting kept putting his musical effort in the shade. He finally made up his mind to pursue a career in acting sometime in 1996. It was in the same year that he eventually joined the Yoruba movie industry and would become a member of the Association of Nigerian Theatre Practitioners in 1998. The actors budding years in the movie industry wasnt really easy as it came with so many challenges. One of his earliest roles in the Yoruba movie industry was in the movie Faworaja. Produced by Bolaji Amusan in 1999, Faworaja failed to launch Adekola into the limelight overnight but he eventually had his big break with the Yoruba comedy movie Asiri Gomina, which was produced by the late Ishola Durojaiye (Alasari).

Odunlade Adekola was born on 31 December 1976 in Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun State, southwestern Nigeria. He was born into the family of Pastor N.A. Adekola. Even though, he hails from Ekiti State, he was born to a Christ Apostolic Church choirmaster father, who later became a pastor in the same church. He grew up in a Christian family that is devoted to church sports. His parents, Pastor and Deaconess Adekola are natives of Otun Ekiti, in Ekiti State, Nigeria. He attended St. Johns Primary School and St. Peters College in Abeokuta, obtaining the West African School Certificate Examination before he proceeded to Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, where he received a Diploma Certificate. He proceeded to further his education and in May 2018 he received a degree in Bachelors of Business Administration at the University of Lagos. Few years back, Adekola ventured into the music enterprise. In line with him, he began track at teen age and become composing songs for his church. Today he's a musician due to the fact he utilized the already existing prominence to actualise his musical desires. Odunlade Adekola is a Nigerian actor, manufacturer, director and singer. He started out his career in 1996 and rose to prominence in 2003, after playing a lead role in Asiri Gomina Wa. When you consider that then, Odun has starred in numerous Yoruba films and his dynamism has remained the speak of the town Adekola is one of the few celebrities whose photographs are used for internet memes.

Adekola is dearly loved within Nigerian entertainment circle as well as on social media. He is so popular to the point that internet users often use his photographs as internet memes. He also has to his name the following award  City People Entertainment Awards Best Actor of the Year (2011), City People Entertainment Awards Best Actor of the Year (2009), African Magic Movie Award for Best Actor, City People Entertainment Awards Best Actor of the Year (2014), African Magic Movie Award for Best Existing Actor in the movie Pepeye Meje, and City People Entertainment Awards Best Actor of the Year (2015).

In addition to acting, the Yoruba super actor also banks as a filmmaker, producer, director, and singer. He has his own film production house known as Odunlade Adekola Film Production (OAFP) a platform created in order to build potential thespians. Research made us know that he has been starred in more than 100 Yoruba movies. The actors budding years in the movie industry wasnt really easy as it came with so many challenges. One of his earliest roles in the Yoruba movie industry was in the movie Faworaja. Produced by Bolaji Amusan in 1999, 
. Adekola, who was dubbed the aliases  Alani Pamolekun, Sunday Dagboru, Mufu Oloosha Oko, Adebayo Aremu Abere  for his numerous humorous roles in the movie industry, is married to Ruth Adekola. The couple reportedly met in 1995 in Abeokuta at a vigil organized by Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C). The actor later proposed to her after a few months of their meeting. The two finally sealed their love in the presence of their family members and friends in the same year by exchanging marital vows.

Movies by Odunlade Adekola

  • Saamu Alajo
  • Lisabi 
  • Faworaja
  • Asiri Gomina (Yoruba comedy movie produced by the late Ishola Durojaiye (Alasari))

Odunlade Adekola is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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