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Biography of John Ikponwosa Ighodaro (Johnny Drille)

Full Biography of John Ikponwosa Ighodaro (Johnny Drille)

Full Biography of John Ikponwosa Ighodaro (Johnny Drille)

John Ikponwosa Ighodaro, commonly called Johnny Drille is a talented Nigerian Music artiste, Music producer and Writer. Johnny Drille was born on the 5th of July 1990 into the Christian family of Pastor and Mrs. John Ighodaro. He is among other four other children from his parents.

John Ighodaro is a native of Benin, Edo State and he spent major part of his life in Benin City with his clergy parents and family. Growing up, Johnny Drille gained his fundamental education in Benin City, Edo State. After which he proceeded to the University. After staying at home for over a year without gaining admission into the University. He later got a B. A in English and Literally Studies from the Prestigious University of Benin, Edo State.

According to Johnny Drille, his parents were extremely strict with him and his siblings. His siblings were the only friends he had while growing up. That was when Johnny Drille came to realise that he loved music and since started music when he was a child. He soon became a part of the church music band at that time. Johnny Drille and his siblings were confined only to Christian songs, this was majorly due to the religious belief their father had against circular songs. Even when in the University of Benin, Edo State, he has always been doing music alongside his academic work, he has always had a burning passion for music.

Some persons who are not familiar with his songs would take him as a foreign singer. This is because, while growing up, he always listened to foreign songs of music artists like Don Moen. This helped shaped pattern of songs. His journey into fame as a music artiste started when when he collaborated with a popular Nigerian music artist known as Di Ja under the Mavin Records a song called"Aww" which became very popular. This slim opportunity exposed him to top  stars in the Nigerian music industry. This gave him the opportunity to join the popular Mavin Records, and ever since then, he hasn't ceased to wow everyone with his songs, especially his fans . And of course, joining Marvin Records made him even more popular. According to him, he doesn't think of leaving the Marvin Records anytime soon. As he believes they helped him to make his dream come through.

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With honourary mention to the many awards and nominations received by Johnny Drille in recent times, one notable win is his recent Best Vocal Performance (Male) Award in 2019 with his song, Finding Efe. Johnny Drille is well known for singing love and romance songs. In recent times, he has connected with top Nigerian music stars like Simi and Niniola to mention but few.

Johnny Drille is best known for his single ‘Wait For Me’ which was nominated for Best Alternative Song at the 2016 Headies Awards. The Nigerian singer first sang in the church of his clergyman father before he came to the attention of the Mavin record label. Johnny’s folky/acoustic sound is firmly rooted in his Nigerian heritage but he’s looking outside of his native borders for additional inspiration, which should bring the singer widespread international recognition.

Johnny Drille’s earliest musical memory is listening to Christmas albums by Boney M in the early 90s. Their tapes were the only ones the family had back then and even when it wasn’t the Christmas season I’d play them over and over with my sister and brothers.

He further revealed that the first band that really caught his attention came after listening on tape to Boney M. Without really knowing who they were he fell in love with The Backstreet Boys.  He also has a special thing Jon Bellion after seeing him perform in Nashville for the first time.

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Johnny Drille has performed in small intimate spaces and as well, a large crowd of 3000 at his first live show in Lagos, Nigeria. 

Johnny Drill is a huge fan of Jon Bellion. 

Recording and promoting costs a lot of money. Even though some artistes don’t really think of it that way they actually kind of provide services like you getting served at a restaurant and it’s just right to pay for that service. Music is everywhere to listen for free, from radio stations, to TV, to street music, etc. but if you love what you hear you should support it.

Johnny Drille has so far been honored with many awards and nominations at different occasions. The recent being the best vocal performance (male) in 2019 with his song "Finding Efe".

Johnny Drille is happily married to his heartthrob, Rima. They got married on January 4th, 2022 at a closed wedding officiated by Pastors Emmanuel and Laju Iren.

Johnny Drille is active on social media platforms with hundreds of followers. His estimated net-worth is about $500,000, a sum which largely sourced from his musical albums, concerts, sponsorships, ambassadorships and other and endorsement deal. A list of popular songs by Johnny Drille are mentioned below:

  1. Hallelujah Featuring Simi
  2. My Beautiful love
  3. Before we fall
  4. Wait for Me - 8th March, 2017
  5. Romeo and Juliet etc
Johnny Drille is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

1 comment

  1. Your passion and motivation for music is worth emulating. Becoming a successful musician is attributed to your perseverance and high degree of determination. The best awaits you still in the music industry. Good luck!
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