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Biography of Iyabo Ojo

Full Biography of Iyabo Ojo

Ogungro Alice Iyabode Olori is a beautiful, talented 45years old Nigerian actress and movie producer. Born on the 21st of December 1977. She was born into the Ogunro Adekunle family. She's the only female sibling among two male children of her parents.  She's from Southwestern part of the country (Nigeria), Ogun State to be precopr. Iyabo Ojo was birthed and raised in Lagos, Nigeria.

Iyabo Ojo gained her foundamental education in Lagos State. She didn't stop there, but moved forward to get an OND in Estate Management from LSP (Lagos State Polytechnic).

Iyabo Ojo has since started acting right from when she was very young( 20years back) she has been actively involved in acting since then. She even joined a play club back then in secondary school, which helped her in her acting career. After getting an OND (National Diploma) from LSP, she fully went into acting in1988. She then decided to associate with AGN (Actors Guide of Nigeria) and there she gained more attention and connections and was able to meet too stars in the movies industry. She appeared in the popular movie "Satanic" and it was her stepping stone to her success journey in her career and ever since then her light has not dimmed. She has acted and produced many movies so far.

She later released her first movie "Silence" which she featured notable movie stars. She has also acted several Yoruba movies as well.

Iyabo Ojo has been a great gift to the Nollywood Industry, as she has put her talent into great use. The beautiful actress is indeed a successful woman and has gained many awards as well as nominations as a reward for her labor.

Read: Biography of Actress Kehinde Bankole

Iyabo Ojo is a pretty young actress and mother of two cute children. She had those children at a very young age. They've been separated for 8years now. The major reason for their divorce was because of incompatibility, and other reasons which are not really clear to members of the public.

Iyabo Ojo is a well known actress and successful woman too. She has many assets to include; cars, an eatry, houses to mention but few. Obviously, the pretty actress enjoys good living and she ensures she gets it.

Among various  movies she has acted includes:

  1. Black Val
  2. Arinzo
  3. Agogo Ide

She has a Net-worth of over $500,000.

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