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Biography of Genoveva Umeh

Full Biography of Genoveva Umeh - NELOC Media News


Full Biography of Genoveva Umeh - NELOC Media News

Genoveva Kenechukwu Umeh is a fast rising Nollywood Actress, producer, lawyer and model.

Genoveva Umeh rose to fame after her outstanding performance and role delivery of “Timileyin Ademola” in the popular Netflix mini-drama series, Blood Sisters.

Genoveva hails from Anambra State, Nigeria and was born in the 1990s to the family of Mr and Mrs. Umeh. Growing up, her father worked as a Computer Engineer while her mum worked as a registered nurse before the family relocated to the United Kingdom in 2006.

She has a 13-year-old brother She grew up in the United Kingdom and she has a British Accent. She embraces being African and being a Black British.

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She migrated to the United Kingdom with her family in 2006. Genoveva Umeh’s father is a computer Engineer while her mum is a registered nurse.

She has a 13-year-old brother She grew up in the United Kingdom and she has a British Accent. She embraces being African and being a Black British.

Genoveva Umeh is an Actor and Model who went to St Mary’s C of E High School in London. Thereafter, she went to the Identity School of Acting in 2012.

This educational background means that Genoveva Umeh is a professional actor. By 2014, Genoveva Umeh was already studying Law abroad.

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Genoveva Umeh has been acting for some time now and has been focused on building her career in the Nollywood Movie Industry. According to her, her career began after she sent audition tapes for casting calls to Nigerian producers. Actually, she was even invited to an audition for Ebonylife’s ‘On The Real’.

She said traveling to Nigeria for an audition in the middle of her studies wasn’t an option for her at the time. However, she got her first lead role in a series shot in Enugu. She returned to Lagos, to pursue her acting career.

Genoveva Umeh played the role of Timiyen Ademola in the Netflix series Blood Sisters. Timiyen was the drug addict of the Ademola family who also wanted to be the head of the family’s pharmaceutical company.

Movies by Genoveva Umeh

With an estimated networth of ______, Genoveva is building a profitable career from the entertainment industry with her appearance in over 20 movies. 

  1. One Lagos Night
  2. A Tune Away
  3. Blood Sisters

Genoveva Umeh is active on Social Media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and X.

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