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Biography of Samuel Animashaun Perry (Broda Shaggi)

Full Biography of Samuel Animashaun Perry (Broda Shaggi)

Samuel Animashaun Perry, popularly known by his stage name, Broda Shaggi is a Nigerian comedian, actor, songwriter and musician. A native of Ikene, Ogun State, Samuel Perry was born on the 18th of June, 1993 (28 years), into the family of Mr and Mrs Animashaun, who were both natives of Ogun State. He is a Christian by religion. His passion for acting was greatly influenced by his father at a very tender age.

Samuel Perry had his primary and secondary education at Ogun State before graduating from the University of Lagos with a bachelor’s degree in Creative Arts. He became popular through his skit ‘Jesus appeared in Mushin’ and he has gone on to make more hilarious skits with his newfound name, Broda Shaggi.

Broda Shaggi got the nickname many years back when he visited a mechanic and while he was at the shop he saw the apprentices playing around with the name. He found the act very funny and decided to act with the name and that was he became popular with the name Broda Shaggi.

Broda Shaggi is currently single as at the time of writing this article although there have been speculations that he might be dating his co-actor, Sophia Ojireoghene, who acts as Aunty Shaggi in his skits, he has come out to debunk the rumours, claiming that they are just great friends and coworkers.

Broda Shaggi's rise to stardom has greatly upgraded his status as he has three luxurious cars - Mercedes Benz, G-Wagon, Range Rover, among others to his name. His net worth is over $200 000 dollars making him one of the richest skit makers in the film industry.

Biography of Samuel Animashaun Perry (Broda Shaggi)

Samuel Perry's a.k.a broda Shaggi road to success hasn't been a smooth one as he has had to face challenges before he finally became a huge success. His success story shows that one can only become successful through great zeal and determination.

Samuel Animashaun Perry (Broda Shaggi) is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok. He also has a dedicated YouTube channel for his contents and you can subscribe to his official channel here.

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