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Biography of Olubankole Wellington (Banky W)

Full Biography of Olubankole Wellington (Banky W) - NELOC Media News
Born in New York, United States on 27 March 1981, Olubankole Wellington, who  is popularly known by his musical stage name - Banky W and credited in film as Banky Wellington, is a Nigerian-American singer, rapper, actor, entrepreneur and politician. The singer, uniquely known for his bald head and soothing voice, is also the proud founder and Chief Executive Officer of E.M.E Records. 
Banky W is a renowned Nigerian businessman, talented manager, singer, rapper, songwriter, record producer, actor, and politicia
Banky Wellington ishappily married to his heartthrob, Adesua Etomi 
Education: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute His family moved to Nigeria when he was five (5) years old Net worth: $12.5 million State of Origin: Lagos Nationality: Nigerian Parents: George Bankole Wellington, Momma Wellington Height: N/A Children: Isaiah Wellington Siblings: 4 Awards and Nominations John Lennon Song Writing Award for the R&B Category (2006) Best R&B Artist during the Nigerian Entertainment Awards (2006) Best Male R&B Artist during the Urban Independent Music Awards, USA (2008) Best R&B Video during the Nigerian Music Video Awards (2008) Best Male Vocal Performance at the Hip hop World Awards (2009) R&B Single of the year during the Hip Hop World Awards (2010) Best R&B Singer (Male) and Best Music Video during the City People Entertainment Awards (2010). 
Olubankole Wellington (Banky W) is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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