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Biography of Adebayo Salami (Oga Bello)

Full Biography of Adebayo Salami (Oga Bello) - NELOC Media News

Biography of Adebayo Salami (Oga Bello)

Chief Adebayo Salami, popularly known as Oga Bello is a multi-talented lead role Nigerian Actor, producer and movie director. The actor was born on the 9th of May, 1953. Though raised in Lagos, Oga Bello is a native Yoruba man from Kwara State in the Western part of Nigeria. He's among several children if his Dad. Some reports says, he's from polygamous family.

Oga Bello gained his elementary education (primary and secondary) in Lagos State, Nigeria.

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The mult-talented actor and movie producer, has since had the passion for acting. When he was much younger, he and his siblings watched interesting TV Shows/ Programmes .This made him develop more interest in being an actor. He fully went into acting about 58years ago when he was just 12years of age. He joined an acting group called The Young Stars Concert Party. Meanwhile, Adebayo's parents didn't like the idea that he was going to become an actor, these was one of the challenges he faced during his early times of his career. However, the acting group he joined, became Ojo Ladipo Theatre, and he was among the chairpersons as at that time. Ever since he chose his career path, his light has not dimmed . He has worked with notable Nigerian actors and actresses as well as top celebrities such as Wizkid to mention but few. Oga Bello is very popular for taking lead roles in Yoruba movies. 

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He has featured in so many Nigerian movies as well as produced and directed so many movies in the movie industry ( Nollywood).

Oga Bello practice Islam religion and he's a very good Muslim. He's a husband, father and grandfather too. He practice polygamy and he's legally married to two beautiful women, and blessed with nineteen healthy children. He has grand kids too from his older children. The popular actor is a fan of the popular Funji and Apala.

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Movies by Adebayo Salami

In his career, Adebayo Salami has featured in, directed or participated in over 300 movies which include the following:

  • Seven Doors

Awards and Nominations

Over the years, the talented actor has also been honored with several awards for crucial roles he has played in the movie industry. Among several awards, Oga Bello was honored with the Special Recognition Awards, brought by the Best of Nollywood Awards (BON), that was in the year 2014.

Adebayo Salami is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram and X.

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