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Biography of Yul Edochie

Full Biography of Actor Yul Edochie - NELOC Media News

Full Biography of Actor Yul Edochie

Yul Edochie is a Nigeria born actor. He hails from Anambra state in the Eastern extraction of Nigeria. He was born in January 7, 1982 in Lagos state. He is the son of the popular veteran Nigerian actor, Pete Edochie. Yul is the last born of a family of six. He is named after the popular Russian actor,Yul Brynner. He was raised both in Lagos and Enugu. He comes from a Christian background. He attended the University of Portharcourt where he studied Dramatic Arts. Yul got married at age 22, an age many considers quite early to settle down. He got married in 2004 to May Aligwe Yul Edochie. They are both blessed with four beautiful kids, Kambi, Dani, Karl and Victory.

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Yul Edochie kick-started his acting career in Nollywood in 2005, at the age of 23, when he starred in a movie titled; 'The Exquires', his first movie. He got his big break in 2007 where he acted with Genevieve Nnaji and Desmond Elliott in the movie, 'Wind of Glory' . Moving forward from his big break, Yul has produced and featured in a lot of Nollywood movies. He is currently an actor, director, movie producer, an investor, and ambassador to recognised Nigerian brands. In 2017, he showed his interest in politics when he contested for the governorship election in Anambra state. Unfortunately, he lost the elections

In April 2022, Yul Edochie got married to his second wife, Judy Austin following a rather controversial situation which made Social media agog with his story of polygamy. A matter that didn't sit well with his first wife,  May, his fans and followers expressed gross dissatisfaction at his action when he formally introduced his new wife and son to the world. Amidst all this, Yul Edochie has also come forward to declare his intention to run for the 2023 presidential election. 


Yul Edochie's unique feature has to be his deep baritone voice, which is usually hard to miss in any movie. 

From his movie income, ambassadorial and sponsorship deals, Yul Edochie is estimated to have a net worth of about $1.8million. Yul Edochie has appeared in over 100 movies which include:

  1. The Exquires
  2. Wind of Glory

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