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Biography of Jim Iyke

Biography of Jim Iyke - NELOC Media News

Biography of Jim Iyke - NELOC Media News

Jim Iyke is a popular Nollywood actor and also a business man. He was born on the 25th of September 1976. He was born into the family of Mr and Mrs Okolue of Enugu Agidi in Anambra State, South Wast Nigeria. He's the only male child among his siblings.


Jim Iyke gain his elementary education at Abuja, Nigeria. He then studied Pschology at the University of Jos, Nigeria, where he obtained his B.Sc.

Jim Iyke has since been acting in the Nigeria movie industry (Nollywood) for over 20years now. He has produced and featured in so many well known Nigerian movies. Asides acting, Jim iyke is also a music artiste. One of his music album is "Who  am I"? Which he collaborated with so many Nigerian Music artistes in the music industry.

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Jim Iyke has won notable awards in recent times in line with his career achievement. He also runs a charity organization where he Carter for the less privileged in the society. In recent times, he has patterned with some well to do people in the society to make this great charity work less stressful.

Jim Iyke has a wife which he's not  legally married to according to a report some time ago. They have a son named Havis Chidubem Iyke.

Movies by Jim Iyke

With a net worth of over $28 million, Jim Iyke has featured in the following movies:

  1. Bad Comments (2020)
  2. The set up (2019).
  3. The Merry Men

Jim Iyke is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram and X.

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