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Biography of Jide Kosoko

Full Biography of Jide Kosoko by


Biography of Prince Jide Kosoko

Born on the12th of January 1954, Prince Jide Kosoko is a Nigerian actor, movie director and producer. He's popular for acting in Yoruba movies where he plays the major character most times. A prince of royal blood, Jide Kosoko hails from Lagos State, Nigeria. Prince Jide was born to Prince Lasisi Kosoko and growing up, he attended the Yaba College of Technology where he Studied Business Administration. He also went to Lagos School of Drama (Theatre Arts). 

Prince Jide Kosoko is also a writer, editor and administrative consultant. He started his acting career in the Nollywood Movie Industry at a very young age of ten (10). This was in the year 1964. His big break into the Nigeria Movie Industry was from a movie titled Taxi Driver, in 1983. Since then, he has featured in so many Nigerian movies, especially Yoruba movies. One of his Popular movies where he played a major role was "Makanjuola". According to the actor, acting has always been his passion.

He has collaborated with so many acting organizations such as Awada Kerkeri Group.

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A polygamist, Prince Jide Kosoko is married to four wives (though he's a Christian), with only two surviving wives. According to him, he lost both wives within an eleven month interval to childbirth complications. He is currently blessed with fourteen (14) children, with some of his children actively involved in the Nollywood Movie industry.

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Jide Kosoko has gotten many awards regarding his achievements in his field as the best of bests. One of those awards was "Special Recognition, at City People Movie Award, that was 4 years ago. Meanwhile, aside acting, he's also an ambassador for many brands here in Nigeria.

Movies by Jide Kosoko

Jide Kosoko is a successful Nigerian actor who has built his wealth from his feature in many movies. With an approximate networth of over $500,000, below is a list of movies he has featured in

  1. Sugar Rush
  2. Child not Bride 
  3. Hourglass
  4. The Third Child
  5. Happy Birthday Dad
  6. Pretty Little Thing
  7. Stronger Together
  8. The Wedding

Prince Jide Kosoko is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X


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