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Biography of Bisola Aiyeola

Full Biography of Bisola Aiyeola

Full Biography of Bisola Aiyeola

Born of Nigerian and British citizenship, Bisola Aiyeola is a multi talented, popular Nigerian actress and music star. She was born on 21st January 1986 in Britain and relocated to Nigeria with her family at a very young age due to hard times which her family faced.

From a family of five with two siblings, Bisola Aiyeola hails from the Southeastern part of Nigeria. She had her early education in the Western part of the Nigeria after which she proceeded to getting a degree in Business Management at the National Open University of Nigeria.

Bisola Aiyeola has since started her acting  career as far back as sixteen (16) years ago. Though, she wasn't well known as that time, until her performance in the BBN (Big Brother Naija) house, ushered her into fame. She has featured in so many Nigerian movies and her performance in all those movies have shown how talented she is with what she does.

In line with what she does as an entertainer, Bisola has won several awards at various times. These includes;  Best Supporting Actress in 2022 and Trail Blaze Award in 2019. Aside acting, she's also presenter on various live shows.

Bisola is a single mother of a beautiful daughter. Unfortunately, the father of her daughter is late. He died after an abrupt ailment. There's a scuttlebutt that she's currently in a relationship. The identity of her hearsay lover is still anonymous.

Bisola Aiyeola has featured in top movies including star actors like Adedimeji Lateef, Bimbo Ademoye, Timini Egbuson, MC Lively, Funny Bone, Jide Kosoko, Bolanle Ninalowo and a host of others. Having built a thriving career, she also actively runs a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) alongside the benefits her career brings. From the array of movies, ambassadorial deals brand sponsorship offers, Bisola Aiyeola's networth is estimated at $60,000 as at 2022. She has featured in over 150 movies which include

  1. Breaded Life (2021)
  2. Sugar Rush (2019)


Bisola Aiyeola was the Big Brother Naija season 2 first runner-up

Bisola Aiyeola is a mother of one. Her daughter, Leyla, was born on June
12, 2008. Since then, Bisola Aiyeola had opened up on the challenges of
being a single mother and how her wedding didn’t hold after the marriage

In an interview with Taymesan for his Tea With Tay podcast, Bisola Aiyeola said she wanted to have babies now, but she lowkey dreaded it due to her tough pregnancy at age 23.

Bisola Aiyeola said her baby daddy was excited with the news of her pregnancy, which made him propose to her. Still, their wedding never happened due to some issues in their relationship.

According to Bisola Aiyeola, nursing her baby was a huge challenge as she fed her with garri, used her mom’s old scarves, gele, iro and buba as diapers.

“There was a time I was feeding my daughter garri. I was feeding my baby garri. Like we will allow the garri soak. We didn’t have diapers, we would have to use my momsy’s old scarves, her gele, buba and iro, use am do
napkin. Then cut polythene bag into X shape and tie so she can use and sleep. This was 2009/2010. She was still a baby not even talking yet. We will wait for the garri to swell, then get like N10 jagu, shake it, mix it inside. Feed her. You will not know that this child it’s garri we’re feeding her. I’m telling you. God really hid my shame with my daughter”.

had Leyla when I was 23. It wasn’t the best of times. You know they tell you when a young girl get belle, e dey easy, na lie! It’s a bloody lie. Now I want to have a kid but I’m lowkey dreading it because her pregnancy was a tough one. I used to throw up a minimum of 4 times every single day until about 6/7 months.

It was so bad that if I had any food – spittle, then bile, then blood would come out. I was the skinniest I have ever been in my life until the last trimester when I started retaining fluid. Her labor was tough, it was three days. I fell into labor Wednesday and had her on Friday at night.

At the time I got pregnant and I found out and I told Leyla’s dad, his  response was such a huge relief. So the day I told him, he was like “Ah great, we’re having a baby.” I didn’t expect that from him. He used to be such a sweet boyfriend, very sweet. I don’t know what went wrong, what
happened before the shift came. But he used to be so sweet. And with that response from him, I felt like yeah we were going to take on the world. Then he proposed. We never got married.

There was a time I was feeding my daughter garri. I was feeding my baby garri. Like we will allow the garri soak. We didn’t have diapers, we would have to use my momsy’s old scarves, her gele, buba and iro, use am do napkin. Then cut polythene bag into X shape and tie so she can use and sleep. This was 2009/2010. She was still a baby not even talking yet. We will wait for the garri to swell, then get like N10 jagu, shake it, mix it inside. Feed her. You will not know that this child it’s garri we’re feeding her. I’m telling you. God really hid my shame with my daughter

Bisola Aiyeola is active on social media. You can connect with her via her official handles on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and X 

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