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Biography of Adekunle Gold

Full Biography of Adekunle Gold - NELOC Media News
Full Biography of Adekunle Gold - NELOC Media News
Originally named Adekunle Almoruf Kosoko, but generally known as Adekunle Gold or AG baby, is a Nigerian artist,a songwriter and a music producer. He kickstart his music career around 2010, but he came into the limelight in 2014 when he released his single ,'Sade' and he has been active till date. He owns different albums to his name , starting from 'About 30' to 'Catch me if you can't. AG baby sings highlife and he is known to be an highly sensational musician. Early in his career, he signed under the YBNL Label,headed by popular musician,Olamide. Nobody knows the full story behind his departure from the Label. He had won several awards ranging from he Headies to the Mtvbase award. He has collaborated with lots of too artiste like Davido, Kizzdaniel,Pheelz,Seun Kuti, Simi etc.
Adekunle Gold was born in Lagos. He was born in January 28,1987. He attended the Lagos state Polytechnic. He is rumored to be the nephew to popular veteran actor, Jide Kosoko. He hails from a royal family in Lagos and he is the first and only son of his parents. He has three other siblings,all girls. He got married to his childhood sweetheart, his greatest collaborator, Simi,a co-musician,and she happens to mix almost all his songs. They are both blessed with a beautiful daughter,Adejare Kosoko. Adekunle Gold is worth about $1.8million.

Adekunle God is active on social media. You can connect with him via his official handles on FAcebook, Instagram, TikTok and X.

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