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2023 Elections: Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown

2023 Elections: Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown by Joseph Oyeboade


With the 2023 election looming, many candidates have already made their ambition to run for various political post known to the public, and with time their manifestos will start rolling in. Different manifestos will be read to the attentive ears of the masses at strategic locations chosen for campaigning. At the end, the best man wins and is sworn in to his/her office after every ‘rite’ has been performed, with he/she resuming duties almost immediately.

                     The joy of being a leader is indescribable but what about the burden that comes with it? 

    The expectation to always outperform the former administration is always high as the present administration is expected to defy all odds but at the end of the designated term, the hype of the current government turns into a flop. This then leads to the question – How cumbersome or burdensome is the role of a leader?

   Having the prospect of becoming a leader would turn out to become a thing of regret if one does not envision how/she wishes to lead his/ her intended followers. Having the mantle of leadership is always an arduous task as the supposed leader is always deep in thoughts about how to make the society better and make progress.

Being a leader is not a decision you can just wake up one day and make. The situation of Nigeria’s leadership is extremely pitiable as different candidates have aspired out of the blues to becoming the leader of different posts without having pure intentions or a clear vision of how they intend to rule their country. Even leadership at the grassroots is not a joking matter. Some past leaders have died as a result of being a leader, others have been victims of heart attack and hypertension due to the problems faced with while in office. Perhaps, this might be a reason why leaders are celebrated for fulfilling a specific amount of days in office.

    Having the notion of becoming a leader is an abyss that no one should just plunge into. A candid advice for those who are aspiring to become leaders if various political posts us to think twice and be solidly positioned in order not to be shaken when they finally get their desired post. Remember, uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.

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