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History: List of Ondo City Kings who were Dethroned

History: List of Ondo City Kings who were Dethroned - NELOC Media News

 10. Osemawe of Ondo - Oba Adekolurejo Jimosun II (Otutubiosun)

The Oba whose reign was from 1918 to 1925 was removed and banished to lle-Ife in 1925, where he lived and died. It was during the reign of Oba Jimosun that Ondo town had its first secondary school, called Ondo boys high school.

11. Osemawe of Ondo - Oba Adenuga Fidipote

Oba Adenuga was reported to be a wealthy king of Ondo town and was on record to be the one who built the first modern Palace for ondo town. He reigned for 7yrs after which his deposed and chased him away from the town to Ibadan in 1942. Read more about Ondo Obas here

17. Olowo of Owo - Oba Olateru Olagbegi II

Unarguably the richest and most influential Olowo of Owo town in Ondo state, Oba Olateru became Olowo in 1941 and reigned till 1966 when he took side with Chief S.L Akintola against Chief Awolowo who was his ally. Of a fact, Awolowo Action Group party was founded right inside Olowo palace and Owo for years experienced political and kingship battle, which came to a climax in 1966 following a cold blooded coup with many properties and lives lost in the course. The people of Owo revolted their King and sent him away on exile where he lived for another 27yrs, and his stool was taken over by Oba Ogunoye. At the demise of Ogunoye, Olateru was reappointed as the new Olowo of Owo in 1993 and spent another 5yrs on the throne till he died in 1998. His eldest son, took over from him in 1999 and reigned for 20yrs.

18. Deji of Akure - Oba Oluwadamilare Adesina Osupa III

The inglorious exit of Oba Oluwadamilare as Paramount king of Akure is another reminder of the importance of carriage and conduct in kingship, as they are seen as leaders and role models. The king was deposed on 10th of June, 2010 following the beating of his estranged wife at her home in Akure, in what the Ondo state government referred to as, a dishonorable, condemnable and disgraceful conduct unexpected of a king which invoked a section of the state chieftaincy law of 1984 as amended. With an immediate action, a new Deji of Akure Adebiyi Adeshida Afunbiowo II was announced on 13th of August 2010.

Other Kings dethroned are;

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