Sometimes, we look at the year and ask many questions. If you had known the uncertainties in this year, you'd probably not bother laying out any plans or visions of hope at the beginning of the year. In 2020, it was the COVID-19 Pandemic and the National unrest in October. In 2022, it is the prolonged ASUU strike. Each time, your expectations and calculations are nothing but a mirage. If you do not use the binoculars of the future, you may end up feeling so unfufilled and pained.
Sophia soliloquizes bitterly as she waits for the salesgirl to package the groceries her mum had sent her to buy. She sighs and sights a newspaper on a crate of soft drink. She exclaims at a shocking headline that caught her attention. Two of her Faculty's old lecture theatres which had still been in use while in session, were reported to have collapsed into crumbles and some passersby were seriously injured in the process.
''I think you might now want to add, 'Scholar with a gratitude in the heart' to your business card' the salesgirl says, chuckling as she hands over the groceries to Sophia. She had overheard Sophia's lamentations.
Sophia takes a deep breath, maybe it's time she started viewing certain situations with a new lens.
It is a common belief that human beings tend not to see beyond their nose, such that every situation always seem like the end of the road. This feeling tends to cause worry and anxiety about what the future holds. When you find yourself worrying about a situation because you are picturing a negative outcome, you are, in effect, saying, “I can predict the future.” But, the fact is, you can't, and you are worried about what may happen, or what may not happen.
However, when you begin to see beyond the present situation, you save more energy to engage in other profitable ventures and make the best out of a weird situation.
I'll be sharing some tips that can help you wear a 'binocular lens' that will aid your seeing beyond the present and help you act accordingly.
1. Be optimistic
Nigeria can make you lose hope but you must understand that it is only those who see the positive side of a bad situation that make the best the possible best out of it. Have maximum conviction and confidence that things will work out in your favour. Don't be that person who is always carrying about negative vibes. Optimism will actually help you think and perform better.
2. Make Personal Improvement
Take one step at a time towards personal development, everyday. Ensure that this improvement is all round i.e spiritually, academically, financially, socially. At least, those areas you feel still needs some adjustments and only you can discover this for yourself.
3. Be Grateful and Happy
Human beings are insatiable, which means that no matter the rosy situation, we still look for more, thinking that will make us happier. However, no matter how the present situation seems, find a reason to be happy. Just reflect a little, maybe if things didn't turn out the way it did, you wouldn't have thought about that business you started or that job or course you pursued, or that niche you carved for yourself, or those skills you acquired, what about those values you added up? Or those life changing friends you met? And those moments of revelation and self discovery...the list might be endless.
📌 Even if things didn't go perfectly to plan, you must have learned and grown stronger from the experience. The experiences you've had will make you grounded and prepared for what the future has to offer.
Celebrate your small wins and keep hoping for the best.🌹