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Career Tip: How A Good CV Will Land You a Good Job

- NELOC Media News

A curriculum vitae is a staff document that includes the profile, educational program and activities of the person who is after school.

In our part of the world, a resume and a CV mean the same thing, but at the other extreme, they mean completely different things. Some of us have also sent out a resume, but have not yet received invitations. The problem is that your resume does not pass the so-called 30-minute test. If you take the test for 30 seconds, your employer will decide if you want to get the job within 30 seconds.

Here are few tips to help with CV packaging.

1. Do not start your CV with "Curita Vitae". Use your name in bold in large letters.

2. Make sure the address on your CV matches the area on the job location. This allows the employer to see you more quickly. For example, if the service is in Lagos, use the address in Lagos. If you don't stay in the same position, find someone you know who has used the same position.

3. Do not use naughty email address. Use the email address with your name. Do not use an email address such as [email protected]. That says a lot about your personality. You can use [email protected], [email protected] or something like [email protected]

4. Take personal information like birthdays, state, local government and your state off. You don't need to indicate your age, except the employer demand for it, instead sell your skills.

5. Enter your school, your training path, then your graduating year under the curriculum vitae. In addition, the class of grade is not compulsory (first class, 2.1, 2.2, etc.). Remove it.

6. Professional certification is another area where people have recently lost sight of the job search. Add to the knowledge you had from school. Take a weekend class in any professional course of your choice, if you are the type that is busy weekdays. This will boost your chances of landing that job.

7. For experience, you must explain where you worked, your career choice and  responsibilities. If you are no longer working in the industry, write down your job descriptions while you were there.

However, your entire work experience should not be on a CV, unless it relates to the position for which you are applying. Let your CV speak.

8. Hobbies and interest:  you have to be careful about your options. I once saw a CV that made video games a hobby .  Your hobbies should be exploring, meeting people, playing chess, surfing and traveling. But be sure to continue your hobbies, because one day you can move on to something else.

9. Enter name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of your references. However, make sure your references know that you are using them to avoid questioning your integrity.

10. A good resume should be black and white with no color, except in two cases: if you apply as a graphics designer and you want your employer to see your work or if your resume has the company logo of a job that you have done before as part of your work experience.

11. Do not send your CV  from a previous employer in a email "sent item" to another employer. Just take the new email and  send your CV so it will not reflect as a forwarded item.

12. When submitting a CV, make sure the topic is detailed and accurate. When submitting your resume, please make sure it matches the subject of your application.

13. Do not store your resume on a laptop or mobile phone, such as "My Resume" or "Edit Resume". Just save your full name. B. Adebayo Michael Samuel.

14. Please do not empty the email page when submitting your resume. Copy the cover letter you have typed and post it on the email page.

15. You do not have to show your passport photo on your resume, unless your employer requires it.

Cover letters

On the other hand cover letters are the letters used to insert your reasons why you are the best candidate for the job. This will enable employers to consider you above others and why you will achieve success at work. With a cover letter, you can promote yourself to your employer and upgrade your income. The main idea behind cover letter is to "seduce" employers.  They will treat you as the best candidate. However, you need to be cautious in writing, not bragging, but selling your skills.

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