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Tech Review: How Jooble is Helping Users Find Their Dream Jobs

Tech Review: How Jooble is Helping Users Find Their Dream Jobs
Tech Review: How Jooble is Helping Users Find Their Dream Jobs

Like Google, Jooble is a job search engine created to help its users find their desired and dream jobs. The platform makes use of a simple and accessible interface to allow users find job postings, vacancies and current openings available on the search engine. 

With a large base in South Africa, Jooble prides itself as the largest platform to find as many job vacancies as possible in South Africa. This however, is not basically because Jooble is the largest job site in South Africa or a leading world employment resource. This is because of Jooble's operation features; in the same way as any other search engine operates, Jooble does not compile all the information in its own database, but searches it out and brings it to the user in a unique way.

When users perform a search with Jooble, the output and results show links to job postings from more than 5000 different job sites throughout South Africa that are the most relevant to your search terms. This helps to save time and energy, enabling users apply to desired jobs from a single query. 

Jooble also has an Advanced Search and a lot of filters. Compared to perusing the newspaper or using a regular job board, job-hunting with Jooble may seem unusual initially and may need some mastery to land a guaranteed dream job. 

Jooble believes that Labour is a leading component of human life and that there is a suitable job for each individual which complements life with meaning. As such, the Company aims to help people find jobs, regardless of  language, religion, skin color or beliefs. 

To achieve this goal, the platform was developed to create essential awareness for all current jobs available, no matter what country they are advertised in or what job boards, corporate websites, social networks, and newspapers they are posted on. Jooble also creates simple and intuitive tools for people to help them find jobs that exactly match their skills, knowledge, place of residence and other relevant criteria.

For foreigners and nationals seeking jobs in South Africa, Jooble is a good bet. Jooble provides valuable information on the future of work to its users and help users decide if a job is suitable for them. It operates on an critical cum analytical metric and data analysis system, data choices and purity to measure Job results. Unlike many other job sites, it also eliminates technical obstacles such as extra mouse clicks, technical complexity or unnecessary intermediaries) for candidates towards finding new jobs. 

1 comment

  1. I never heard of Jobble until I read this. I found it really helpful. I'm not scouting for jobs yet but I'll check it out.
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