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So Far So Good - A National Review on Issues Affecting Nigeria

A National Review on Issues Affecting Nigeria by Moyosore
Moyosore Olakanmi
We can decide to make rants,  asking what could be the major problem of Nigeria and what our fifty nine years of independence has taught us? The reality in Nigeria has shown us the hard side of life with no remorse whatsoever.
You ask further - Could it be we are accursed? 

Without argument, it is said that predominant happenings in Nigeria are on the highly negative  side, giving lesser or no hope to an aspired future.  Going from the nature of social problems, developmental problems, economic crisis, political unrest, security problem, etc, we are certain that life itself has imparted a sense of adversity to Nigerian  citizens.


The major uproar now in Nigeria is the pandemic across the world affecting the four walls of Nigeria COVID-19. The pandemic came to Nigeria first month of this year and according to Nigeria Centre for Disease Control ( NCDC) the confirm cases has grown to four thousand one hundred and fifty one (4151) as at 9th may, 2020 with a discharged cases of seven hundred and forty five (745) and the death of one hundred and twenty eight (128) .

Does this speak volume of hope to the nation?

The lock down is another issue her citizen would not want to adhere to mainly because of the lack of trust she has on her leadership. During the first lock down, her citizen took upon herself through social media on the necessity of getting food on the tables as eighty percent of her population live on a daily income. The second lock down declared by the president on Monday, 13th April, 2020 opened the nation to insecurity problems as the AWAWA BOYS and ONE MILLION BOYS became the fear of the day.

What was the reason for the fear?
Why the cause of commotion?

To some, it was food. Some said it was the boredom and yet another came saying it was a political plot of the leaders to her citizens.  The issue is yet to be settled as the Ogun and Lagos States Commissioners released in statements in the early hours of the morning 13th of April 2020, saying it was just uproar and a false alarm by the citizen that the nation is at peace with her. However, the citizens would not have it as vigilante groups were formed at different areas in the Abule egba axis, Iyana ipaja, Sango, and Ogun environs. On social media, videos of apprehending the thieves were sent across to show what stay the country is indeed is. 27th of April of the year 2020 was another day of the delivery of the President's speech which reduced the tension of her citizen on the ease of the lock down on the 4th of may of the year 2020.

The issue which is predominant had shove every other problem that is faced by the country for now and the people strongly believe that this could be a sign of rest that the nation leader should take advantage of and give thought to solution and attention to problems of the nation.
Should we hope they make use of the advantage?

The pandemic also didn't leave the students out as academic curriculum is left to an halt due to lock down of public places and gatherings of more than twenty people. It has shown the level in full picture the level of our academic student. As social media which has been a major tool during this lock has it how patiently the citizens of the nation wait for current from the developed countries. Although, the reaction the citizen has is the fact that there might not be no pandemic which is just a general myth by the nation's citizen because of the level of interest of the government. The vaccine that was rumoured to be a possible cure for the for the affected cases was said to be tested in Nigeria pioneer by Bill Gates. The people went a full force in rejecting such act because of lack of trust and the reasoning of who among the affected countries beeds it the most?

The coming of the Chinese doctors is another issue that brings the lack of sincerity on the part of the government towards her citizen. On Twitter it was attend that their was no need of the doctors coming over, even while the doctor's of her beloveth country Nigeria gave their non approval of the coming if the doctor's it came as a shock when the minister of health on channels gave his talk on the government not knowing the coming of the doctors neither did the government invite them but they were a gift from a Chinese company.

Who are our leaders?

We may not say all is bad. We only have a positive position to all that is happening and continually say, "Where there is life there is hope"

6 تعليقات

  1. Nice write up 👍.
    My country is just a joke.
  2. Very well said, its up to us to make this country a better one.
  3. A very detailed write-up. Well-done
  4. May God intervene in our so called country.
  5. Great one
  6. I would have say the lock down should go on had it been the government provides the said palliative because the corona virus of a thing is real

    I think there's something going on that our leaders are not telling us. Americans called for the arrest of Bill Gate, but here in my father's land our leaders are pushing bills for the vaccine that has not been produced
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