The Gains of Integrity in Nation Building
The Gains of Integrity in Nation Building by Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde - NELOC Media News
Mrs. Adebimpe, standing by her Toyota Camry, stares at Tade straight into the eye. 'Are you trying to deny the fact that you cheated me by reducing my #1000 worth of petrol? She asks angrily. Tade stares at the floor ashamed and playing with his fingers. The Petrol station manager who had been watching from a reasonable distance all along, strolls to the scene and testifies that he actually noticed from the screen view how Tade had stopped the flow at 85 litres instead of completing the 125 litres which is commensurate to the #1000 naira that she paid. Tade had also manipulated the daily account in the sales book. He needs no prophet to tell him that it's time he kissed his job goodbye.
The quality of being honest and having and having strong moral and ethical principles and values cannot be over emphasized.
Signs of people who lack Integrity includes;
Excessive selfishness i.e considering just your comfort and happiness at the expense of others.
Insincerity and lies in the sense that your intentions don't even match the results.
Frequent compromises in order to gain temporary wealth and recognition.
However, the gains of integrity will convince you that it pays to actualize it.
Integrity earns you trust, influence and great opportunities to work with people.
It saves you from scandalous implications because your good name is priceless and valuable.
Integrity will also influence or help you make wise life decisions that will lead and land you somewhere safe.
With Integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide
With Integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt
While staying home and staying safe, keep a right attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard!
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